Summary of activities April 2016 June 2016 WP1 Management WP2 User community * 31th May 4th Jun, YY visited to AGIS meeting in Lund. YY and AGIS meme...
Summary of activities December 2013 February 2014 100 Management * Participation in the 1st Gaia Archive Workshop (27 29 November 2013) Luri * Kick o...
Summary of activities Dec 2015 March 2016 WP1 Management * Amendment sent in Dec. Accepted in Feb 12. CSIC termination, INTA inclusion as a partner * T...
Summary of activities January 2017 March 2017 WP1 Management * Organization of GENIUS last plenary meeting together with the Second DPAC Consortium Meetin...
Summary of activities July 2016 Sep 2016 WP1 Management * Second payment after justification received and sent to the partners. * Budget from CSIC clea...
Summary of activities June 2014 August 2014 100 Management * Organization of monthly telecons: 4 July 2014 200 User community * Grainne Costigan did...
Summary of activities June 2015 August 2015 WP1 Management * Second GENUS trimestral telecon on 18 of June 2015. WP2 User community * 06/2015 Marese...
Summary of activities March 2014 May 2014 100 Management * Trimester report for December 2013 February 2014 sent to Project officer (Luri, Balaguer) ...
Summary of activities March 2015 May 2015 WP1 Management * First GENUS trimestral telecon on 12 of March 2015 to complement monthly telecons CU9 GENIUS....
Summary of activities October 2016 December 2016 WP1 Management WP2 User community * Hypki end his GENIUS contract as of 2016 11 30 and moved to a new ...
Summary of activities September 2014 November 2014 WP1 Management * First annual review report WP2 User community * Hypki started work on Genius WP2...
Summary of activities Sep 2015 Nov 2015 WP1 Management * Joint GENIUS CU9 plenary meeting #2, 21 23 September 2015. * Part time engineer contracted to ...
General information Proposal Reference docs Meetings teleconfs Reporting Deliverables Milestones Positions Work packages WP1 Management WP2 User communi...