ContaminacioLuminicaGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. * Member list: * Set GROUP = EduardMasana,SalvaRibas,ManuelGarcia,HectorL...
EuclidGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. * Member list: * Set GROUP = JavierIzquierdo, LolaBalaguer, GaliciaUser * Purpose of...
FiDeosGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. * Member list: * Set GROUP = JavierIzquierdo, LolaBalaguer, FiDeosUser * Purpose of ...
Gaia4SustainabilityGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. * Member list: * Set GROUP = JavierIzquierdo, LolaBalaguer, EduardMasana, ...
GroupViewTemplate %IF{ "'.GroupViewTemplate' allows 'change' AND 'GroupViewTemplate' = 'BaseGroup' AND 'GroupViewTemplate' = 'NobodyGroup' AND {AdminUser...
SolarTwinsGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. * Member list: * Set GROUP = LolaBalaguer, JuditDonada, LaiaCasamiquela, XaviLuri ...
TWiki Administrator Group This is a super user group that has access to all content, regardless of access control. This group has also access to the configure scr...
TWiki Groups Use these groups to define fine grained access control in GaiaWiki: New Group: ^ A group topic name must be a WikiWord and must end in ...Gr...
The TWikiGuest User A guest of this TWiki site, or a user who is not logged in. if you already have an account ' }% Register create an account to partici...
List of GaiaWiki Users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
GaiaWiki User List Filter: Clear " limit="" }%" }% Total: '='1'" then="entry" else="entries" }% '='200' AND NOT defined 'search'" then="(search truncated)"...
User List sorted by date joined / updated %SEARCH{ "'*UserForm'" type="query" excludetopic="UserList*, *Template" header=" Date joined Last updat...
User List sorted by location %SEARCH{ "'*UserForm'" type="query" excludetopic="UserList*, Template" header=" *Country Location FirstName Las...
VirgoGroup Use this group for access control of webs and topics. * Member list: * Set GROUP = JordiPortell,JavierCastaneda * Purpose of this group: ...
Main Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Main web. These preferences override the site level preferences in . and , and can ...
List of GaiaWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...