Circular 5: Ayudas para la asistencia a reuniones y escuelas relacionadas con Gaia Estimados colegas de la REG, La comisión ejecutiva de la REG ha acordado conce...
State of the art Galactic Dynamics is traced by the motions of the Milky Way s stars and gas. Gaia will focus on stellar motions, which are key for uncovering the...
State of the art Gaia satellite will have a dramatic impact on the definition of the cosmic distance scale (DS), providing the direct measure via parallaxes, of ...
Early Stage Researcher (ESR) pre doc possitions GREAT ITN (FP 7) 17 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) pre doc possitions will be available across the GREAT Initial Tra...
Ofertas de postdoc y tesis en Niza 1 Postdoctoral position in Galactic Archaeology, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (France) Deadline May 10th, 2011 Application...
Ayudas REG asistencia a congresos y escuelas: Primer Semestre 2011 Objeto de la convocatoria: La comisión ejecutiva de la REG ha acordado conceder ayudas económic...
The ESR that will undertake the thesis on the "Open clusters as tracers of the Galactic disk" at the INAF University of Padua (Italy) (see GREAT ITN webpages) wil...
The ESR that will undertake the thesis on the "The role of open cluster dissoluiton" at the Leiden University(see GREAT ITN webpages) will spend: * 4 months at...
The ESR that will undertake the thesis on the "Improving the distance scale" at the Leiden University (see GREAT ITN webpages) will spend: * 4 months at the Un...