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Parent package: Foswiki::Prefs
Child packages:

internal package Foswiki::Prefs::BaseBackend

This is the base module for preferences backends. Its main purpose is to document the interface and provide facilities methods.

ClassMethod new(@_)

Creates a preferences backend object.

ObjectMethod finish()

Break circular references.

ObjectMethod prefs() → @preferenceKeys

Return a list with the names of defined preferences.

ObjectMethod localPrefs() → @preferenceKeys

Return a list with the names of 'Local' preferences.

ObjectMethod get($key) → $value

Return the value of the preference $key.

ObjectMethod getLocal($key) → $value

Return the 'Local' value of the preference $key.

ObjectMethod insert($type, $key, $value ) = @_;

Insert the preference named $key as $value. $type can be 'Local' or 'Set'.

ObjectMethod cleanupInsertValue($value_ref)

Utility method that cleans $$vaue_ref for later use in insert().

This topic: System > Category > DeveloperDocumentationCategory > PerlDoc
Topic revision: 24 Jun 2022, ProjectContributor
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