Registration. Galaxy Modelling with a Gaia mock catalogue

Please use the following form and send it to Lola Balaguer (gaiamock at by 15th January, 2012.

  • Name:
  • Affiliation:
  • E-mail:
  • Lunch: 29th February (Y/N), 1st March: (Y/N), 2nd March: (Y/N)
  • Social diner on 01st Mar.: (Y/N)
  • PhD student?: (Y/N)
  • Financial support: Air Fare (Y/N) (estimated costs: euro), Accommordation: (Y/N) (estimated costs: euro).
  • Your interests and/or What you want to do with Gaia Mock Catalogue:

This topic: WS2GaiaMock > WebHome > RegistrationMock
Topic revision: 11 Jul 2014, DaniMolina
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