Social dinner and private visit to the Romanesque collection of the MNAC (Thursday 1 March)


The Romanesque Art Collection is one of the MNAC’s most emblematic due to its ensemble of mural paintings, the only one of its kind in the world. The paintings, the majority of which came from Romanesque churches of the Pyrenees, were bought and moved to the Museum mainly between 1919 and 1923 in order to prevent them from leaving the region. The collection is made up of works from the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries and comprises richly painted panels (the most numerous and oldest collection from Romanesque Europe); woodcarvings (the Descent from the Cross and Majesty pieces are especially famous); metalwork (of special note are the enamels from Limoges); and stone sculpture.

Guided Visit of the collection from 7.30pm to 8:15 at the MNAC


Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC)

Palau Nacional

Parc de Montjuïc

208038 Barcelona

How to get there

Dinner at 8.30pm at the Restaurant Oleum of the MNAC

It is located in the Palau Nacional's former Throne Room, where King Alfonso XIII inaugurated the 1929 International Exhibition. With room for 100 people, the Òleum covers 2,475 square feet and has a superb view of Barcelona which can be enjoyed from the large windows and seen reflected and repeated in the ceiling mirrors. The restaurant preserves its original decoration, which has been modernised and complemented with comfortable, modern furniture and fittings made from exotic materials such as wengé. With its individually controlled lighting, the Òleum manages to create a cosy atmosphere in a sober and at the same time elegant setting. At night, it makes a unique venue in which to hold a business dinner in combination with other rooms and exclusive night-time visits to the Museum.


To share
  • Assortment of home made Croquettes (Surtido de croquetas caseras)
  • Hake fried pastries with tomato and basil sauce (Buñuelos de merluza con compota de tomate y albahaca)
  • Cheese and roasted almond plate (Plato de quesos y almendras tostadas)
  • Selection of grilled ecological veggetables (Selección de verduras ecológicas a la brasa)

To choose (in advance)
  • Beef steak with garnish. (Entrecot de ternera con su guarnición)
  • Gilthead bream filled with cabbage "trinxant" and fennel sauce. (Dorada rellena de trinxant de col y salsa de hinojo)
  • Seasonal vegetable and mushroom risotto. (Risotto de verduras y setas de temporada)
  • Hot chocolate cake with red tea ice cream (Pastelito de chocolate caliente con helado de te rojo)

  • Mineral Water
  • Wine

vista_oleum.jpg oleum.jpg

Practical Information

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Topic revision: 23 Feb 2012, LolaBalaguer
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