GENIUS trimestral plenary teleconference TT1

Thursday 12th March 2015 at 11h (CEST)

When it's time, join the meeting from here:


  • Report of financial status (Núria Benitez)

First year report finalised. Some delay on CNRS third party UFC delivering Form C. Payment expected end March.

Linked to review recommendations:

ACTION to RS pass it on to Paola: For T2.4, which deals with cross-matching, contacting the ARCHES FP7 project could be relevant, as they developed a multi-catalogue probabilistic cross-match system. ES participated in ARCHES project. .

ACTION to NH: For T2.5, about living archives, contacting existing centres like CADC which is providing on-line access to the growing HST archive could allow sharing expertise

ACTION to All Send proceedings of conferences with Acknowledgements to LB:

ACTION to All: Fill trimestral report.

  • Report by WP (including reports per partner)
    • WP2 User community (A. Brown)

Arkadiusz Hypki preliminary work in advance user scenario .Gráinne Costigan (GC) presented work in SAT meeting. Everything being implemented.

    • Specific discussion of beta-tesing group with N. Walton

GC coordinated with NW. NW wants real testing before issuing prototype. XL suggested the involvement of amateur astronomers for input. XL will be in the ProAm Spanish amateurs meeting in June. Maybe they can be beta testers. NW agrees with that but for Apr - May 2016. GC also in touch with amateurs in UK. XL will get some contacts for the future in the June meeting.

    • WP3 System design (N. Hambly)

NH anticipated a new release of MDB Dictionary Tools with all the necessary modifications for Catalogue Access /CU9) needs. On time for next deliverable in April.

ACTION for RS: Add information to trimestral report.

NH will make some interim deliverables and milestones to avoid problems mentioned by Reviewer.

AKM Most data models consolidated except data mining. Prototype already at ESAC. Gaia Sandbox is also a client of the server. There is a small tutorial on How to use visualization services. ES presents VOSA. It uses photometry and models to give astrophysical parameters. Word it is being done to scale it up for managing Gaia data and include the data filters.

ACTION to ES: Talk to Jesus Salgado.(SAT)

ACTION to NH and RS: all developments need to be coordinated with SAT. Arrange a telecon with SAT. NH is in touch with SAT and want to integrate the prototypes already implemented in SAT. Please let us know when that happens. NH will make use of the WeBex for that.

    • WP5 Validation (F. Arenou)

New tools and catalogues delivered. Last week Validation workshop in Paris with 35 participants. TGAS exercise changing priorities. Houri Ziaeepour finishing his contract in T5.3. Need for more support on that task.

ACTION to NW: add EU logo and acknowledgement to Science Alerts webpage.

Alerts webpage based on PESSTO community.

YY organized a NanoJasmine workshop in Japan (Feb). GENIUS financed two invited speakers participation. .Please add the info to the Twiki.

XL opens a doodle to choose dates. Maybe Heidelberg could be a host. AB offers Leiden last two weeks in September.

  • Revision of schedule and deadlines for 2015 (L. Balaguer)

Please keep in mind your deliverables. Next in April:
    • WP1 Semestral Report 3 (D1.4)
    • WP2 Requirements specification for generic projection module (D2.3) and Requirements specification for data retrieval across archives (D2.4)
    • WP3 Web2.0 user interface demonstration prototype deployment (D3.2), for WP5 Delivery of prototype of statistical tools (D5.2)
    • WP6 Delivery of second simulated catalogue data (D6.3)
If any delay is foreseen please let us know to inform the PO.


  • Xavi Luri (XL)
  • Nuria Benitez (NB)
  • Lola Balaguer (LB)
  • Yoshiyuki Yamada (YY)
  • Anthony Brown (AB)
  • Nick Walton (NW)
  • Nigel Hambly (NH)
  • Frédéric Arenou (FA)
  • Teresa Via (TV)
  • Eduard Masana (EM)
  • Enrique Solano (ES)
  • Ricky Smart (RS)
  • Alberto Krone-Martins:(AKM)
  • Laurent Eyer (LE)

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Topic revision: 23 Jun 2015, LolaBalaguer
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