Meetings and teleconferences


WP400 - Validation

WP700 - Dissemination

About virtual meeting

  • GENIUS has a WebEx license, which permits:
    • Up to 25 simultaneous connections to the meeting
    • High definition video (if all the hardware can handle it)
    • Following the meetings via computer/table/smartphone, or via phone
    • Sharing the desktop
    • Keeping documents related to the meeting (on WebEx web page).
    • Recording the meeting
    • Playing recorded meeting directly from the web page (only Windows or Mac; it will use the Network Recording Player)
  • Ways to access to WebEx meetings:
    • Web browser (needs Java installed and enabled) - Going to or clicking on the green button you'll see in the invitation mail messages.
    • On Android/iPhone or iPad/Windows Phone/Blackberry devices, installing the app (just search "WebEx" on your Apps Store). More info at
    • By phone call (you'll need the meeting identifier, 9 numbers, that you can see in the WebEx invitation mail; they are different on every meeting), at these phone numbers:
      • (Spain) 91.791.12.83
      • (England) +44-203-478-5289
  • WebEx management: contact ( at least 2 days in advance, please! ) Dani Molina (Dani's mail address) for creating the WebEx meetings ( with the list of possible attendant and the expected length ).
    • The attendants will receive the link to the meeting, and also a reminder a few minutes before the meeting.
  • All the GENIUS meetings will be included in a Google Calendar.
    • You can add that calendar to your agenda via the "Add calendar by URL" with this address:
  • warning For playing recorded meeting (from the meeting info web page) you'll need to install on your system (only Windows or Mac are supported) the WebEx Network Recording Player
  • WebEx Terms of Service and Privacy Statement


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-SPACE-2013-1) under grant agreement n°606740.
Topic revision: r51 - 06 Apr 2017, LolaBalaguer
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