GENIUS trimestral plenary teleconference TT2
Thursday 18th June 2015 at 12h (CEST)
When it's time, join the meeting from here:
Report by WP (including reports per partner)
WP1 - Management
Pending actions
- ACTION to All Send proceedings of conferences with Acknowledgements to LB:
- ACTION to All: Fill trimestral report
- ACTION to NH and RS: all developments need to be coordinated with SAT. Arrange a telecon with SAT. NH is in touch with SAT and want to integrate the prototypes already implemented in SAT. Please let us know when that happens. NH will make use of the WebEx for that.
Linked to first year review recommendations:
- ACTION to RS pass it on to Paola: For T2.4, which deals with cross-matching, contacting the ARCHES FP7 project could be relevant, as they developed a multi-catalogue probabilistic cross-match system. ES participated in ARCHES project. .
- ACTION to NH: For T2.5, about living archives, contacting existing centres like CADC which is providing on-line access to the growing HST archive could allow sharing expertise
- Formation of science advisory group
- Confirmation of reception of 2nd payment
- New PO
- GC is elaborating a document for the beta-testing.
- GC attended a meeting in Ireland with Parameter Space (UCD, Dublin), who have been awarded the Geo Return contract to build a Gaia added value interface portal (GAVIP) for the archive.
- GC working in compiling creative scenarios for user cases.
- Arkadiusz Hypki working in developing complex models and interfaces. using as a test case a model by Simon Portegies-Zwart
- GENIUS collaborating in Summer School in Japan, beginning 9 July. ACTION:YY write in next report.
- Start of contract ESA - JAXA for an European launch of NanoJasmine.
WP3 - System design
- see TrimesterReportMar2015-May2015
- NH asks RS to add some information about Trieste activities on report.
- Request on NH to share the Data Mining with Docker implementation with WP4 and WP5.
WP4 - Data Exploitation
- Visualization
- André Moitinho apologies but cannot attend.
- Visualization server abd a 3D client installed in ESAC.
- Data Mining
- Last month meeting in ESAC very fruitful. Basic agreement in how to proceed, see info in wiki. Selected user cases to begin with. Concepts of data mining should be ready for Gaia release DR1 even if official release of data mining toold for Gaia release DR3..
- Upgraded testbed in CSUC
- VO Tools and services
- Delay in the start of development from CSIC
. * ACTION: XL to discuss with Enrique Solano the statutes of contracts and start of activities.
WP5 - Validation
- Follow the trimestral report
- Stress put by TGAS has lead to a change of development priorities, developing model tests before statistical tools.
- Houri Ziaeepour finished his contract with GENIUS funds. Need for other resources to continue.
- Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma finished his GENIUS contract at UNIGE but covered now with other funds.
- There will be a dedicated splinter in the Barcelona meeting to present all the results of the tests.
WP6 - Support
- Simulations
- As agreed on first year review, resources are being relocated to Data Mining
- Big simulation will be done next year, not this.
- Science alerts
- New improvements on algorithms. Full system will be operational in October.
- Integration of Science Alerts in Main Database.
- ACTION: NW Fill the report
WP7 - Dissemination
- Finished the web platform. Had a meeting with Editorial Board. Not public yet. Filling of contents and review process.
- Official opening of the webpage for ourreach Gaiaverse on 1st of July
CU9 Plenary Meeting, Barcelona, September 2015
- 2 days of plenary sessions + one day of splinter meetings
- Can use it for the reviews included in the milestones (see later in the agenda)
- Now every WP have a splinter session but hope to combine them.
- Maybe compressing meeting and leaving more space for splinters.
- Most probably TGAS and First Release will go together.
- Need to prepare Mid Term Report for October, session dedicated to this.
- Next trimestral telecon will have place with plenary meeting.
DPAC Plenary Meeting, Leiden, November 2015
- Goal: inter-CU communication and coordination
- Mid-term report and mid term review (on Friday afternoon)
- Outreach formation
Revision of schedule and deadlines for 2015
- Frédéric Arenou (FA)
- Lola Balaguer (LB)
- Gráinne Costigan (GC)
- Laurent Eyer (LE)
- Nigel Hambly (NH)
- Xavi Luri (XL)
- Dimitri Pourbaix (DP)
- Ricky Smart (RS)
- Teresa Via (TV)
- Nick Walton (NW)
- Yoshiyuki Yamada (YY)