Halo Streamers in the Era of Gaia

Re Fiorentin, P., Curir, A., Lattanzi, M.G., Spagna A. (INAF, Torino, Italy)

The solar neighbourhood potentially contains a very large number of kinematic groups which are related to the various building blocks of the stellar halo. We explore a simulated inner halo based on a set of four high resolution N-body numerical simulations of the interaction between dwarf galaxies and the Milky Way. We analyse the kinematics and orbital properties of these simulations in order to investigate and characterise the possibly detectable signatures that remain in phase-space. In addition, we investigate the impact of observational errors in our simulations, and compare the current picture to the promising prospect of highly improved data expected from the Gaia mission

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Topic revision: 28 Nov 2014, SusanaBascon
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