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The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia

Talks / Posters / Abstract Book

When ID What Who Institute Slides
Monday 1 December 2014
12.30-14.00   Registration
14.00-15.30   Session 1: The GREAT ITN and Gaia: Context and Status Chair: Francesca Figueras
14.00–14.10 I1.0 Welcome Nicholas Walton (SOC) & Francesca Figueras (LOC)   pdf
14.10–14.30 I1.1 GREAT-ITN and Gaia: Preparing for Science Nicholas Walton IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK pdf
14.30–15.00 I1.2 Gaia Mission Status Timo Prusti (I) ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands pdf
15.00–15.30 I1.3 Gaia Science Performance Jos de Bruijne (I) ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands pdf
15.30-16.00   Coffee break and poster viewing
16.00-18.00   Session 2: The Physics and Science Promise of Gaia Chair: Anthony Brown
16.00-16.30 I2.1 Formation and evolution of the Galactic disks Misha Haywood (I) Observatoire de Paris, France pdf
16.30-17.00 I2.2 Tick, tock, tick, tock ... Wyn Evans (I) IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK  
17.00-17.30 I2.3 Gaia Astrometry and Fundamental Physics Sergei Klioner (I) Lohrmann Observatory, Dresden, Germany pdf
17.30-17.45 C2.1 Gaia Validation Tasks Claus Fabricius ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
17.45-18.00 C2.2 From telemetry to science Jordi Portell ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
Tuesday 2 December 2014
09.00-10.30   Session 2 (cont): The Physics and Science Promise of Gaia Chair: Caroline Soubiran
09.00-09.15 C2.3 Measuring the Gaia basic angle variations: the BAM on-board laser interferometer Alcione Mora ESAC, Spain pdf
09.15-09.30 C2.4 Gaia Radial Velocity Spectrograph Performance Mark Cropper MSSL/UCL, UK pdf
09.30-09.45 C2.5 The variability Analysis and Processing of Gaia data Laurent Eyer UNIGE, Switzerland pdf
09.45-10.00 C2.6 Making action-angle disc models for Gaia Paul McMillan ASTRO, Lund Observatory, Sweden pdf
10.00-10.15 C2.7 A PRIMAL view of the Milky Way, made possible by Gaia and M2M modelling Jason Hunt MSSL/UCL, UK pdf
10.15-10.30 C2.8 Analysing the disc Red Clump stars of the Galactic bar in the Gaia space of observables Mercè Romero-Gómez ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
10.30-11.00   Coffee break and poster viewing
11.00-13.15   Session 3: Planetary Systems: Worlds Near and Far Chair: Tadeusz Michalowski
11.00–11.30 I3.1 The Gaia mission in the rapidly-evolving context of exoplanet science Ignasi Ribas (I) ICE - IEEC, Spain pdf
11.30-12.00 I3.2 Exoplanets with Gaia: Synergies in the Making Alessandro Sozzetti (I) INAF-Torino, Italy pdf
12.00-12.30 I3.3 Planet formation with Gaia Anders Johansen (I) Lund University, Sweden pdf
12.30-12.45 E3.1 Exoplanets: Gaia and the importance of ground based spectroscopy follow-up Lisa Benamati (E) IA, University of Porto, Portugal pdf
12.45-13.00 C3.1 Stars with and without planets: Where do they come from? Vardan Adibekyan CAUP, Porto, Portugal pdf
13.00-13.15 E3.2 Physical models of asteroids from photometric surveys: preparation of Gaia data exploitation Toni Santana i Ros (E) AMU, Poznan, Poland pdf
13.15-14.45   Lunch break
14.45-16.15   Session QA1: Gaia Science - Extended Q+A session Chair: Alejandra Sans
14.45-15.30 QA1 Understanding the formation of the Milky Way in the era of Gaia Ivan Minchev (I) Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam AIP pdf
15.30-16.15 QA2 What drives the evolution of the Milky Way’s disk? Jo Bovy (I) Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, USA pdf
16.15-16.45   Coffee break and poster viewing
    Session 4: The Stellar Constituents of the Milky Way
16.45-18.15   Session 4A: Star Cluster Evolution Chair: Antonella Vallenari
16.45-17.15 I4.1 The open clusters in the Gaia-ESO Survey Laura Magrini (I) INAF-Acetri, Italy pdf
17.15-17.30 E4.1 The history of the Birth cluster of the Sun Carmen Martínez-Barbosa (E) Leiden University, The Netherlands pdf
17.30-17.45 E4.2 Quest for finding the lost siblings of the Sun Cheng Liu (E) ASTRO, Lund Observatory, Sweden pdf
17.45-18.00 E4.3 Testing the chemical tagging technique with Open Clusters Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma LAB, Bourdeaux, CNRS, France pdf
18.00-18.15 C4.1 Radial migration and the properties of the MW disk Nikos Prantzos AIP, Paris, France pdf
Wednesday 3 December 2014
09.00-11.00   Session QA2: Gaia Science - Extended Q+A session Chair: Sergi Blanco Cuaresma
09.00-09.45 QA3 Scientific synergies of Gaia with ground based spectroscopic surveys Alejandra Recio-Blanco (I) Observatoire Cote d'Azur, Nice, France pdf
09.45-10.30 QA4 Exploring Milky Way structure and dynamics Ralph Schöenrich (I) Oxford University, UK  
10.30-11.00   PhD focus: discussion session Led by Alejandra Sans & Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma LAB, Bourdeaux, CNRS, France  
11.00-11.25   Coffee break and poster viewing
11.25-11.30   CONFERENCE PHOTO  
11.30-13.00   Session 4B: Stellar Astrophysics Chair: Ulrike Heiter
11.30-12.00 I4.3 Synergy between asteroseismology and the Gaia mission Josefina Montalban (I) University of Leige, Belgium pdf
12.00-12.15 E4.4 Highlights of the LINEAR survey Lovro Palaversa (E) UNIGE, Geneve, Switzerland pdf
12.15-12.30 E4.5 Detecting the Milky Way Halo Structure and Sub-Structure with OPTICS Alejandra Sans (E) KU Leuven, Belgium pdf
12.30-12.45 E4.6 Stellar distribution in the star-forming region Gamma Velorum Tristan Cantat-Gaudin (E) Osservatorio Astrofisico di Padova, Italy pdf
12.45-13.00 C4.2 The open clusters in the Gais ESO Surveys and beyond Antonella Vallenari (I) Osservatorio Astrofisico di Padova, Italy  
13.00-13.15 C4.3 Galactocentric variation of the abundance structure in the Milky Way stellar disk - results from the Gaia-ESO survey Sofia Feltzing ASTRO, Lund University, Sweden  
13.15-14.45   Lunch break
14.45-18.00   Social programme
19.45   Social Dinner
Thursday 4 December 2014
    Session 5: The Origin and History of the Milky Way Chair: Coryn Bailer-Jones
09.00–09.30 I5.1 RAVE as a Gaia precursor, what to expect from the Gaia RVS? Matthias Steinmetz (I) AIP, Potsdam, Germany pdf
09.30-11.00   Session 5A: Archaeology of the Milky Way Chair: Coryn Bailer-Jones
09.30–10.00 I5.2 New observational constraints to chemodynamical models of the Milky Way Cristina Chiappini (I) AIP, Postsdam, Germany  
10.00-10.15 E5.1 Large-scale structure of the inner Milky Way Iulia Simion (E) IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK pdf
10.15-10.30 E5.2 Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in Pan-STARRS: The Galactic Halo. John Vickers (E) ARI, Heidelberg, Germany pdf
10.30-10.45 E5.3 Substructure in galaxy discs: Identifying secularly evolved populations Matthew Molloy (E) KIAA/PKU, Beijing, China pdf
10.45-11.00 E5.4 Statistical analysis of large scale surveys for constraining the Galaxy evolution Andre Martins (E) UTINAM, Besançon, France pdf
11:00-11:30   Coffee break and poster viewing
11.30-13.00   Session 5B: Galactic Structure and Evolution Chair: Martin Smith
11.30–12.00 I5.3 Hunting for debris in the disc Justin Read (I) University of Surrey, UK pdf
12.00-12.15 E5.5 Assessing the impact of astronomical phenomena on the Earth Fabo Feng (E) MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany pdf
12.15-12.30 C5.1 Constraints on thin and thick disc formation from new analysis of 2MASS and SDSS surveys Annie Robin UTINAM, Besançon, France pdf
12.30-12.45 C5.2 Orbit of the Ophiuchus Stream Branimir Sesar MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany pdf
12.45-13.00 C5.3 The Perseus arm stellar overdensity at 1.6 kpc Maria Monguió Universidad de Alicante, Spain pdf
13.00-14.30   Lunch break
14.30-16.15   Session 5C: Gaia, Galactic Surveys, Modelling, Synergies Chair: Timo Prusti
14.30-15.00 I5.4 Dynamical models of the Galactic Disk Hans-Walter Rix (I) MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany pdf
15.00-15.30 I5.5 From SDSS to Gaia and LSST Zeljko Ivezic (I) University of Washington, Seattle, USA pdf
15.30-16.00 I5.6 The Galactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) Survey Joss Bland-Hawthorn (I) University of Sidney, Australia pdf
16.00-16.15 C5.4 Radial velocities and chemical tagging with WEAVE at the WHT Marc Balcells ING, La Palma, Spain pdf
16.15-16.45   Coffee break and poster viewing
16.45-18.30   Session 5D: Galactic Dynamics Chair: Annie Robin
16.45–17.15 I5.7 A multi-scale approach to simulate the Galaxy Luis Aguilar (I) UNAM, Ensenada, Mexico pdf
17.15-17.30 E5.6 On the characterization of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era Hoda Abedi (E) ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
17.30-17.45 C5.5 What can Gaia proper motions tell us about Milky Way dwarf galaxies? Shoko Jin RUG, Groningen, The Netherlands  
17.45-18.00 C5.6 Stellar motion around co-rotating spiral arm: Gaia Mock data Daisuke Kawata MSSL/UCL, UK pdf
18.00-18.15 C5.7 Hypervelocity stars in the Gaia era Elena Rossi Leiden University, The Netherlands pdf
18.15-18.30 C5.8 Cool runaways - Nearby Hills ejecta as a probe of the gravitational potential of the Milky Way Martin Smith SHAO, Shanghai, China pdf
Friday 5 December 2014
09.00-11.00   Session 6: Grand Challenges from Gaia
09.00-10.30   Session 6A: The Distance Scale Chair: Laurent Eyer
09.00-09.30 I6.2 Gaia, Variable Stars and the Distance Scale Patricia Whitelock (I) SAAO, Cape Town, South Africa pdf
09.30-09.45 E6.1 Astrostatistics for luminosity calibration in the Gaia era Max Palmer (E) ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
09.45-10.00 E6.2 Improving the cosmic distance ladder: distance and structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud Tatiana Muraveva (E) INAF-Bologna, Italy pdf
10.00-10.15 C6.1 Infrared survey of variable stars toward the bulge and beyond Noriyuki Matsunaga University of Tokyo, Japan  
10.15-10.30 C6.2 Three-dimensional extinction mapping using Gaussian random fields Stuart Sale OX Physics, University of Oxford, UK pdf
10.30-11.00   Coffee break and poster vierwing
11.00-12.15   Session 6B: The Transient Sky Chair: Gisella Clementini
11.00-11.30 I6.3 Supernovae Rubina Kotak (I) Queen's University Belfast, UK pdf
11.30-11.45 E6.3 Gaia: switching on the transient discovery machine Nadejda Blagoródnova (E) IoA, Cambridge University, UK pdf
11.45-12.00 C6.3 Ground based follow-up for Gaia Science Alerts: First Results Morgan Fraser IoA, Cambridge University, UK pdf
12.00-12.15 C6.4 Eclipsing binaries in the Gaia era: automated detection performance Berry Holl UNIGE, Switzerland pdf
12.15-13.15   Session 7: Beyond Gaia, Beyond GREAT Chair: Wil O'Mullane
12.15–12.45 I7.1 Space astrometry in the Gaia era Anthony Brown (I) Leiden University, The Netherlands pdf
12.45–13.05 I7.2 GREAT2Net - Networking in the Era of Gaia Nicholas Walton (I) IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK pdf
13.05–13.15 I7.3 Closing Words and Final Discussion Timo Prusti (I) ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands  
13.15-14.30   Conference Close (Poster take down) Bon viatge/ buen viaje

  • (I) indicates an invited speaker. (E) indicates that the speaker is one of the seventeen PhD Early Stage Researchers of the GREAT-ITN (
  • All invited talks are 22 minutes with 8 minutes for discussion
  • The four talks in the two QA sessions are 30 minutes with 15 minutes for questions and answers. This will allow for more participation from the conference attendees in discussion of these topics. We note that the speakers for the two QA sessions were invited by the Early Stage Researchers of the GREAT-ITN
  • All other talks (unless explicitly noted in the programme) are 11 minutes with 4 minutes for discussion


Poster ID Title Author Institute pdf
P1 Carbon stars within the Gaia-ESO survey Abia, Carlos Universidad de Granada, Spain pdf
P2 Star-planet connection trough metallicity Adibekyan, Vardan CAUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal pdf
P3 On the detection of satellite galaxies of the Milky Way with Gaia photometry Alzate-Trujillo, Jairo A. CRyA, UNAM, Mexico  
P4 Exploring the orbits of the stars via chemical tagging techniques Anguiano , Borja Macquarie University, Australia pdf
P5 Will Gaia see TP-AGB stars in the Galactic halo Bruzual, Gustavo CRyA, UNAM, Mexico  
P6 Characterization of the Gaia Photometry Carrasco, Josep M. ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
P7 The OCCASO survey Casamiquela-Floriach, Laia ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
P8 The nearest high-velocity stars revealed by LAMOST data release 1 Chen, Li SHAO, Shanghai, P.R. China pdf
P9 Chemical Abundances in the Open Cluster NGC6791 from APOGEE spectra Cunha, Katia ON-MCTI & Steward Observatory pdf
P10 The TOROS and TORITOS projects Diaz, Mario C. CGWA, Texas University, USA pdf
P11 Optical Cartography of the Northern Galactic Plane with IPHAS Farnhill, Hywel University of Herfordshire, UK pdf
P12 Potential of the Galaxy from the Besançon Galaxy Model including the triaxial bar Fernández-Trincado, Jose G. UTINAM, Besançon, France pdf
P13 The Gaia hybrid catalog: a leverage to find Galactic structures Fouesneau, Morgan MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany  
P14 Benchmark stars for cross-calibration of galactic stellar surveys Heiter, Ulrike Upsala University, Sweden  
P15 LAMOST Open Clusters survey: current status and perspective Hou, Jinliang SHAO, Shanghai, China pdf
P16 Tracing the Sagittarius Tidal Streams in Carbon Long Period Variables Huxor, Avon ARI, Heidelberg, Germany pdf
P17 Time variation of differential reddening towards NGC 4833 Itam-Pasquet, Johanna LUPM, Montpellier, France pdf
P18 Mapping the 'X-shaped Structure' in the Galactic Bulge Li, Shao-Yu SHAO, Shanghai, China  
P19 Tomography of star-forming regions with VLBI radio interferometers Loinard, Laurent CRyA, UNAM, Mexico  
P20 New solar twins and siblings in the ELODIE and SOPHIE archives Mahdi, Dhiaa K. LAB, Bordeaux, France pdf
P21 GUASOM: Gaia Utility for Analysis and Knowledge Discovery based on Self Organizing Maps Manteiga, M. Universidade A Coruña, Spain pdf
P23 The role of the magnetic field in the galactic evolution Martos, Marco A. UNAM, Mexico  
P24 Gaia Mission App: developing a mobile application for science outreach Masana, Eduard ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
P25 The Gaia Object Simulator Masana, Eduard ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
P26 Detectability of Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxies with Gaia Mateu, Cecilia CIDA, Venezuela pdf
P27 The IMF at intermediate masses from Galactic Cepheids Mor, Roger ICC-UB / IEEC,Spain pdf
P28 The Milky Way: facts and fiction Moreno, Manuel UPC, Spain pdf
P30 Halo streamers in the Era of Gaia Re Fiorentin, Paola INAF - Torino, Italy  
P31 Novel kinematic methods to trace the Spiral Arms nature using Gaia data Roca-Fàbrega, Santi ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain pdf
P32 Characterization of the Gaia Red Clump Ruiz-Dern, Laura Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France pdf
P33 Estimating Gaia's performances for O stars in the Outer Galactic Plane using Herschel data Rygl, Kazi ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands pdf
P34 Origin of the metallicity distribution in the thick disk Sancho-Miranda, Maider University of Central Lancashire, UK pdf
P35 Bayesian inference of Kinematics and Memberships of Open Clusters Shao, Zhengyi SHAO, Shanghai, China pdf
P36 The formation of the Milky Way bulge and its X-shaped structure Shen, Juntai SHAO, Shanghai, China  
P37 Peening thorugh the dust: Precise astrometry of the Galactic mid-plane with the VVV survey Smith, Leigh University of Herfordshire, UK pdf
P38 VOSA: SED buliding and analysis of thousands of sttars in the framework of Gaia Solano, Enrique CAB-INTA-CSIC, Spain pdf
P39 On the connection between the thick disk and the barred galactic bulge Spagna, Alessandro INAF - OATo, Italy pdf
P40 Precise spectrosopic parameters for solar-type stars with moderate-to-high rotation Tsantaki, Maria CAUP, Porto, Portugal pdf
P41 The M giants classification in the LAMOST DR1 Zhong, Jing SHAO, Shanghai, China pdf

Topic revision: r85 - 22 Jan 2015, SusanaBascon
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