Novel kinematic methods to trace Spiral Arms nature using Gaia data

S. Roca-Fàbrega, F. Figueras, O. Valenzuela, M. Romero-Gómez, T.Antoja and B. Pichardo (ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain)

In this work we shed new light in the nature of spiral arm structures in galaxies. We present a disk kinematic and dynamic study of MW like galaxies using complementary approaches: analytical models, test-particle simulations and pure N-body simulations. Using collisionless N-body data we found that models with strong bar present a flat rotation frequency, i.e. rigid body rotation, whereas in the opposite extreme case, i.e. in unbarred systems, spiral arms are disk corotant. Complementary to this work, we discuss how the vertex deviation parameter is getting a good tracer of corotation (CR) and outer Lindblad resonance radius (OLR). Gaia post-launch performances are being used to map the radial an azimuthally variation of this parameter and the spiral arm rotation frequency, all through the galactic disk to be observed by Gaia. We have succeed to produce MW like models in fully cosmological N-body plus hydrodynamic simulations with a high
resolution. First results concerning disk phase space properties in terms of spiral arm nature using these simulations will be also discussed.

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Topic revision: 28 Nov 2014, SusanaBascon
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