
The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia

  • Proceedings for the conference have been published in the "EAS Publications Series"
  • They will be referenced in the ADS database.


  1. Instructions for Authors and the style guide can be found on the INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS page. a. instructions for authors at b. transfer of copyright form at
  2. Page limits are as follows:
    1. Invited talks: 7 pages b. all other talks: 4 pages c. poster presentations: 1 pages
  3. Submit your written contribution to the editors (email details to follow) by 21 January 2015
  4. The proceedings will be published by end May 2015

Cost of Proceedings

This topic: GREATITNFC > WebLeftBar > ProgramFinalconference > ProceedingsITNFinal
Topic revision: 30 Jul 2015, LolaBalaguer
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