
En este grupo se trata de plantear tareas de instrumentación para la preparación o seguimiento de la misión Gaia. En este sentido, las líneas de trabajo del grupo podrían resumirse como sigue:
  • Coordinar esfuerzos e ideas de la comunidad astronómica española interesada en participar de algún modo en:
    • el desarrollo de instrumentación novedosa o promover y apoyar su construcción.
    • el uso específico de instrumentación existente.
  • Informar de las iniciativas en estas líneas que se plantean dentro de GREAT y promover la participación española en las mismas.
  • Cualquier otro aspecto asociado con instrumentación de telescopios terrestres que se pueda asociar de algún modo a Gaia.

Actividades instrumentales/observacionales dentro de GREAT

WGA3 Chemical Tagging

The Working Group has identified the need for a multi-object spectrograph with a resolution of ∼20000 and/or ∼5000 for a number of its key science topics (e.g. Which stars form and have been formed where? How is mass cycled through the Galaxy?). These types of observations are “easily” done with a 4 m telescope, however, the Working Group also clearly defined a number of issues that simply requires higher resolution, up to about 80 000. Spectrographs that can reach sufficient depth (i.e. faint magnitudes) with such resolution require 8 m telescopes.

Depending on the nature of these requirements it is probably necessary to develop more than one instrument.

The need for organized follow-up of the Gaia mission has also been recognized by the ESO-STC. In a recent recommendation to Council, at their 114 meeting held in Vienna June 3-4 2009, STC recommended ESO to, in the short term, open the current instruments and telescopes to large surveys and in the long term, to quote from the minutes, “It urges ESO to issue a call for instrument concepts and associated science on the shortest possible timescale compatible with ESO highest strategic interests. The call should be broad enough so as not to be restricted to the UTs nor even to ESO facilities”.

GREAT Chemo-Dynamical Survey

Work in the Chemical Tagging WG has, over the last year, and through conclusions reached at a number of working group meetings (in Cambridge×2, Nice and Lund), indicated that transformational progress will be possible with the combination of Gaia and additional spectroscopic data.

The scale of the observational data required, to gather data sets of well studied stars in the millions, implies, that with the current observational facilities available, a large and long campaign is required. These samples are required to give an unbiased mapping of dwarf as well as giant stars across a range star formation sites representative of the bulge, thick, thin, halo components of the Milky Way. In particular a significant sample of stars in the thick/thin disk and bulge are required as these components form the bulk of the baryons in the Galaxy.

The proposed GCDS is thus a wide and inclusive survey programme, to bring together the key European expertise in the study of the Milky Way.

In order to acquire the observational datasets required to address the key science questions, the GCDS programme will cover a range of key activities, potentially including:
  • a set of large or very large 8-m survey programmes, over a 6+ year span, utilising relevant instrumentation at ESO
  • a set of large or very large 8-m survey programmes, over a 6+ year span, utilising relevant instrumentation at other facilities (TBD)
  • a complementary large survey on 4-m class facilities
  • development of suitable 4-m class instruments for the northern and southern hemi- spheres to support the large survey above
  • development of supporting modelling techniques to aid in the interpretation of the observational data.

Instrumentos propuestos o en desarrollo de utilidad para Gaia

En construcción


Jordi Torra (coordinador)
Paco Garzón(coordinador)

Los interesados en apuntarse a este grupo pueden enviar un mail a fgl@iac.es


This topic: RecGaia > WebHome > GruposdeTrabajo > InstrumentacionGaia
Topic revision: 28 Jun 2010, DaniMolina
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