Teleconferencia: WG1 Cluster membership criteria from input data

  • Organizador español: Emilio Alfaro (IAA)
  • Lugar, fechas: Telecon, 17 de octubre de 2011
  • Link en web:
  • Financiación: No

Orden del dia:

According to the suggestions of the SC, we are planning the teleconf for discussing cluster membership criteria for different input data. Two basic points:
  • we just do a photometric selection, using auxiliary data (X-rays, NIR, etc.) and proper motions as a guide to define the cluster sequences
  • we carry out a detailed membership analysis, which, however, would not be uniform and will very much depend on the specific cluster and available data.
  • Distribution of tasks will also be discussed.

Resum de la reunión, haciendo hincapié en aquellos puntos en los que puede aumentar la participación española:

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Topic revision: 20 Oct 2011, LolaBalaguer
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