ENV inspect the value of an environment variable Returns the current value of the environment variable in the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) environment. This is ...
GROUPS a formatted list of groups Deprecated do not use. Use VarGROUPINFO instead * Expands to a formatted list of user groups. * The macro is intended to...
HTTP get HTTP headers * Called with the name of an HTTP request header field, returns its value. Capitalization and the use of hyphens versus underscores are n...
HTTPS get HTTPS headers The same as %HTTP% but operates on the HTTPS environment variables present when the SSL protocol is in effect. Can be used to determine wh...
USERNAME your login username Foswiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like jsmith, WIKINAME like JohnSmith and WIKIUSERNAME like .JohnSmith. Un au...
WIKINAME your Wiki username The WikiName is the same as %USERNAME% if not defined in the . topic. This macro is an alias for the USERINFO macro with a fixed forma...
WIKIUSERNAME your Wiki username with web prefix Your %WIKINAME% with web prefix, useful to point to your GaiaWiki home page This macro is an alias for the USERIN...