Participants. Galaxy Modelling with a Gaia mock catalogue


  Name Institute Interests Lunch Dinner
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  Hoda Abedi ICC-UB (Spain)   x x x x
  Luis Aguilar ICC-UB , UNAM   x x x x
  Teresa Antoja Kapteyn (Netherlands)   x x x x
  E. Athanassoula LAM, Marseille The bar/bulge and spirals in the MW x x x x
  Carine Babusiaux GEPI, Observatoire de Paris   x x   x
  Coryn Bailer-Jones MPIA, Heidelberg Modelling Gaia data using Bayesian methods (i.e. as participant type B); overview of the expected results/accuracies on the astrophysical parameters from CU8 (i.e. as participant type C). x x x x
  Lola Balaguer-Núñez ICC-IEEC-UB   x x   x
  James Binney Oxford. University, UK   x x   x
  Albert Bosma LAM, Marseille Bulge/bar systems in the MW and other spirals x x x x
  Anthony Brown Leiden Observatory Learning more about the scientific user requirements on the Gaia catalogue. x x x x
  Alex Buedenbender Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg I am mainly interested in stellar dynamics and the dark matter distribution within the Milky Way. This requires a precise knowledge of the motion of stars in the 6D phase space and the determination of the galactic gravitational potential. With the help of the Gaia Mock Catalogue I would, together with Glenn van de Ven, test our dynamical models, especially the Schwarzschild method, in the question of how precisely we will be able to constrain the total, including dark matter, distribution as well as stellar phase-space density, within a radius of 2-3 kpc around the Sun. x x x x
  Hans Buist Kapteyn Astronomical Institute To use GAIA to explore the halo and get a better understanding of the dynamics of streams. x x x x
  Cristina Chiappini Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) Chemodynamical modelling testing / complementarity with upcoming survey such as 4MOST x x   x
  Paul Compère IAC Category B: number counts model vs. Gaia x x x x
  Maria Czekaj ICC-UB (Spain)          
  Victor Debattista UCLAN          
  Jos De Bruijne ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands Galactic dynamics, galactic structure, open clusters and associations x x x x
  Paola Di Matteo Observatoire de Paris MW structure and kinematics. Stellar populations. x x x x
  Francesca Figueras ICC-UB (Spain) Kinematic tracers from Spiral Structure models x x x x
  Andreea Font University of Birmingham Generating Gaia mock catalogues from numerical simulations and comparisons with the data (groups A and B). x x x x
  Carme Gallart IAC Prepare tools to derive star formation history of different galaxy structures. - x x -
  Esko Gardner Besançon Observatory Made-to-measure modeling x x x x
  Francisco Garzon IAC Category C: dust and stellar populations x x x x
  Ortwin Gerhard MPE Garching Dynamics of inner Galaxy x x - x
  Gerry Gilmore IoA Cambridge UK   x x x x
  Oleksiy Golubov ARI, University of Heidelberg My main focus is on stellar dynamics in the Milky Way disc. A part of my research is dedicated to applying maximum likelihood method for adjusting theoretical distribution functions of stars over coordinates and velocities to observational data. I believe that Gaia Mock Catalogue will help me to test and improve my statistical methods. x x x x
  Ana Gomez Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (France) Galaxy formation and evolution x x x x
  Richard Hanson Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), Heidelberg I am a new PhD student at MPIA and am working on extinction modelling within the Bayesian framework and detection of star clusters in the Milky Way. In the long run I would like to use Gaia data to fully test the derived methods and models to reconstruct an accurate extinction map of the Galaxy. This in turn will be used to devise and feed machine learning methods to find open star clusters. Therefore having access to mock catalogues will allow me to test and train the algorithms in great detail. x x x x
  Stefan Jordan ARI/ZAH Heidelberg Testing GAP/CU9 developments x x x x
  Carme Jordi ICC-UB (Spain)   x x x -
  Andreas Just ZAH/ARI Heidelberg Comparison of analytic and semi-analytic disc models with Gaia data; space density, kinematics and abundances of main sequence stars - x x x
  Daisuke Kawata MSSL,UCL,UK Generating Gaia Mock catalogue from N-body simulations. Spiral Structures, pattern speed and stellar motion around spiral arms. x x x x
  Chiaki Kobayashi Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire Chemodynamical Simulations and Galactic Archaeology x x x x
  Xavier Luri ICC- UB (Spain) Luminosity calibrations, distance estimation x x x x
  Douglas Marshall IRAP, Toulouse, France Interstellar extinction, ISM morphology, initial stages of star formation x x x x
  Inma Martínez Valpuesta Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics I would like to prepare my numerical models in a way that can be easily compared with the future observations from GAIA. And if possible, be able to make predictions since my models are already quite similar to the Milky Way. x x x x
  Andre Martins Observatoire Besancon I work with the Besancon model of the galaxy, especially in Thick disk and Halo. x x x x
  Paul McMillan Oxford University Dynamical modelling. I am focused on methods of fitting observational data to dynamical models taking uncertainties into account. x x x x
  Ivan Minchev Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) Bar and spiral structure, Chemodynamical modeling, Signatures of stellar radial migration, Moving groups in spatially localized volumes (u-v plane), Signatures of minor merger events. x x x x
  Andre Moitinho SIM - U. Lisbon Type C participant. I'm interested in the selection of star clusters; Spiral arms; optically revealed star forming regions (Large scale star formation) x x x x
  Giacomo Monari Kapteyn Astronomical Institute kinematic substructures in the solar neighborhood and how they are related to the Galaxy potential. x x x x
  Maria Monguió Montells ICC-UB (Spain) Spiral arms of the Milky Way   x x x
  William O'Mullane ESA/ESAC GAP leader - interested in what users wish to do - provide support. x x x x
  Max Palmer ICC-UB (Spain)   x x x x
  Stefano Pasetto MSSL/UCL London (UK) MW kinematical modeling x x x x
  Jorge Peñarrubia IAA-Granada Modelling x x x x
  Barbara Pichardo Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM I work on detailed theoretical models of the Milky Way, those require precise kinematic studies to test them. x x x x
  Tilmann Piffl Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) Creation of Mock-(Gaia-)catalogues out of numerical simulations of structure formation. Thick disk formation. Mass estimates of the Milky Way. Hypervelocity stars. Gaia spectroscopic follow-up with 4MOST x x x x
  Justin Read ETH Zürich/University of Leicester I could in principle contribute N-body simulations to the Mock Catalogue. I will discuss a couple of case studies where using fake data has led to an improved mass modelling method. I will present some applications of these improved methods, and discuss how these ideas could be scaled up for the GAIA mission. x x x x
  Céline Reylé Besançon Observatory   x x x x
  Annie Robin Institut Utinam, Observatoire de Besançon Galaxy modelling, galaxy formation and evolution x x x x
  Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Models of galaxy evolution ( PEGASE). Our Galaxy and active Galaxies. I can present a contribution on: "Synthetic galaxy libraries used to educate the SVM on Gaia" x x x x
  Mercè Romero-Gómez ICC-UB (Spain) Bar and Spiral Structure models x x x x
  Santi Roca Fàbrega ICC-UB (Spain)   x x x x
  Rok Roskar Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich using gaia mock catalogue to compare to N-body simulations x x x x
  Robyn Sanderson Kapteyn Astronomical Institute (Netherlands) Constraining the dark matter distribution in the outer Galaxy with [mock] Gaia data (participant type B). x x x x
  Ralph Schönrich OSU   x x x x
  Christos Siopis Université Libre de Bruxelles Dynamical modeling (group B), CU4/non-single stars (group C) x x x x
  Gabriel Stöckle ZAH-ARI Heidelberg I want to test access scenarios using VO Tools and standards especially towards feasibility of queries (access time, etc.) x x x x
  Daniel Tapiador ESA/ESAC GAP leader - interested in what users wish to do - provide support. x x x x
  Jordi Torra ICC-UB(Spain)   x x x x
  Octavio Valenzuela IA-UNAM, México I am interested to evaluate the detectability and usefulness of fossil records in the galactic stellar disk(s) and halo in order to constratin the galaxy evolution/formation based on comparison vs Galactic models motivated by cosmology.. Exploring the utility of the survey to constraint galactic disk/bar and halo substructure and constrain cosmological predictions. x x - x
  Antonella Vallenari INAF, Padova Stellar populations, the GES, open clusters x x x x
Topic revision: r46 - 11 Jul 2014, DaniMolina
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