Subroutine that computes and assign Gaia errors to observables (Versión, October 2012)Errors are computed following Gaia Science Performance web pageUniversitat de BarcelonaContact: Merce Romero-Gomez (, Josep Manel Carrasco (
Input external tables:
Observed (V-I) colour index (affected by extinction)
Atmospheric parameters for the star (Teff, logg, [Fe/H], Av)
Output values:
Actual parameters of the star (input values, not affected by errors)
Parameters of the star as observed by Gaia (affected by errors): astrometry, Vr, photometry and atmospheric parameters
Gaia errors assigned to each parameter:
The code offers two options depending of the type of errors you want to apply (see website):
jflag=1, errors computed from mean geometrical factors (see website)
jflag=-1,errors computed considering the scanning law of the satellite (the geometrical factors are then computed from the ecliptic latitude and the number transits)