GENIUS Positions and their career paths

  • UCAM positions:
    • full time post-doc WP6.3 at IoA (Cambridge) -> All staff at the IoA that have been involved with GENIUS continue working at the IoA, on projects related to Gaia (e.g. the DPAC).

  • UBR position covered
    • part time postdoc/engineer WP4.4: Mark Taylor -> continues at UBR with other funds.

  • FFCUL position covered:
    • full time post-doc/engineer WP2.2, WP4.2. WP5.5
      • WP4.2: Miguel Dias Duarte Ferreira Gomes (2.9 PM) -> moved to the industry (Novabase, large Portuguese company)
      • Carlos Barata -> continues at FFCUL with other funds.
      • Márcia Barros > continues at FFCUL with other funds

  • ULB position covered:
    • 6-months engineer WP5.6: Christos Siopis (4.3PM) continued at ULB paid by ESA PRODEX.

  • UNIGE position covered:
    • 6-months engineer WP5.6: Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma -> after a few more months at UNIGE, he move to work for ADS (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics en Cambridge, USA).

  • INTA positions:
    • WP3.3/4.4: Mauro Lopez > continues at CAB(INTA-CSIC) with other funds (SpaceTec -CM project)
    • WP5.4/4.4: Francisco Jimenez-Esteban > continues at CAB (INTA-CSIC) with other funds (SpaceTec -CM project)

  • CSUC positions covered:
    • WP6.2: Cristian Gomollón, Xavier Peralta, Gorka Roldan, Joan Caparros, Ricard de la Vega (2.81 PM) -> continue at CSUC amb other funds.
    • WP7.2: Teresa Via, Silvia Salgado, Anna Mirats (2.04) -> continue at CSUC amb other funds.

  • INAF positions covered:
    • 01/07/2015 - one year full time post-doc WP2.4 at ASDC (Rome): Michele Fabrizio -> continues at ASDC with other funds.
    • 01/05/2014 -two year part time post-doc WP3.3 at OATo (Trieste): Robert Butora, Marco Molinaro, Riccardo Smareglia -> continue at OATo with other funds.

  • UL positions covered:
    • 05/05/2014 - 30/04/2016 full time post-doc WP2: Gráinne Costigan -> left astronomy for now, still looking for a new job
    • 01/09/2014 - 30/11/2016 full time post-doc WP2: Arkadiusz Hypki -> obtained a Polish grant and moved back to Poland.
    • 01/01/2017 - 31/03/2017 full time postdoc WP2: Davide Massari -> continues as a post-doc in UL with other funds

  • UEDIN positions covered:
    • 01/10/2013 - part time engineer WP3 at IfA Edinburgh: Stelios Voutsinas -> continues to work in the Edinburgh data centre (Wide Field Astronomy Unit) on VO and related IT development projects in support of astronomical surveys, with other funds
    • 01/10/2013 - part time engineer WP3 at IfA Edinburgh: Dave Morris -> continues to work in the Edinburgh data centre (Wide Field Astronomy Unit) on VO and related IT development projects in support of astronomical surveys, with other funds.

  • CNRS positions covered:
    • 01/12/2013 - 22/08/2014 - full time post-doc WP5.2+transversal at OPM (Meudon): Steve Boudreault, now at Max Planck Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (Göttingen) working for Rosetta then for developments for Plato.
    • 01/04/2014 - full time post-doc at Obs Besançon: Houri Ziaeepour, no position, writing novels, research own-funds
    • 01/09/2014 - full time engineer/ post-doc WP5.6 at IMCCE (Paris): Maria Kudryashova after some extension at IMCCE with other funds, moved back to Belgium, looking for job in space geodesy
    • 05/11/2014 - full time post-doc WP5.2+transversal at OPM (Meudon): Krzysztof Findeisen, now at University of Washington working in LSST project’s data management group

  • UB positions covered
    • 01/01/2014 - full time software engineer WP4: Francesc Julbe > continues at UB with other funds
    • 01/01/2014 - part time project manager WP1: Lola Balaguer-Núñez > continues at UB with other funds


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-SPACE-2013-1) under grant agreement n°606740.
Topic revision: r31 - 03 Apr 2017, AnthonyBrown
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