
The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia

The registration fee is 140€ if paid before 27th of October (early registration) and 180 € after that. Late registration closes 24th November 2014.

The registration fee includes the social diner, cultural activity and coffee breaks.

Some grants will be available for students and recent post-docs. If you do request financial support please send an email (Subject: GREAT-ITN Conf-Grant) to greatitnconf at indicating your current status (PhD student or postdoc within 5 years of gaining a PhD), and the amount of grant (Travel and Hotel) requested.


In order to register - please send the following information by email (Subject: GREAT-ITN Conf-Register) to greatitnconf at :

  • Name:
  • Affiliation:
  • E-mail address:
  • Date of arrival:
  • Date of departure:
  • Social dinner (Wednesday): (Y/N)
  • Please include the billing details

  • Are you a PhD student: (Y/N)
  • If you are a PhD student or postdoc (within five years of gaining your PhD), will you request financial support?: Y/N

  • Type of presentation: (oral/poster)
    • Ttitle:
    • Authors:
    • Affiliation:
    • Abstract (no more than 200 words):


Please arrange to make your registration payment by bank transfer to the University of Barcelona's, IEEC account adding as a reference: "GREAT ITN + Name + Surname":

  • IBAN: ES28.2100.0655.7102.0021.8986
  • Bank: LA CAIXA
  • Address: Oficina 0655 c/ Trias i Giró, 11-13 08034 Barcelona (Spain)

Please note that you will receive an email confirmation with a receipt once your payment has been received. All attendees will also receive a certificate of attendance at the meeting.
Topic revision: r16 - 06 Oct 2014, LolaBalaguer
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