
See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
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internal package Foswiki::Plugins::SafeWikiPlugin::Signatures

Apart from the actual parsing of HTML, this is the workhorse of SafeWikiPlugin, and also the part that makes available some functions other plugins can use. These functions should be available whenever the context {SafeWikiSignable} is active.

This package reads signatures from LSC and the Signatures sibling directory, and has all the necessary functions to check script snippets against these signatures as well as any inline signatures. See the plugin topic for more details on how signatures work.

Another thing that happens in this package is zone processing. Internally, whenever we find a zone that matches one of our signatures, we take it out of the page and substitute a placeholder. Once parsing and filtering is complete, we re-insert the original zone content. This approach allows us to do some fancy things like expanding macros in the zone after filtering is complete, so that code can be dynamically generated to some extent. Once again, the details relevant for writing that kind of code are explained in the plugin topic.

You should never use any of the zone processing functions directly. Simply use the standard Foswiki::Func::addToZone; your zone contents will magically be trusted. Keep in mind that this means that you have to be careful about what you add to zones.

trustedInlineCode($text) → $boolean

  • $text - JS snippet to check against signatures

Given a piece of inline JavaScript code, check that it's either authorized via a SHA256 signature provided by a plugin/admin, or via an inline HMAC signature.


  • $text - JS snippet to whitelist on the current view

Makes sure that the given piece of inline JavaScript code (handler or