GENIUS - CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #1

T1 Friday 7 November 2014

Time 10h - 11h30 CET (GMT+01:00) | Connection using WebEx

Meeting Number: 848 560 668 Meeting Password: 141107CU9

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Provisional agenda


Status review

  • Review of the Vienna meeting agreement and actions: a summary is provided in this wiki page:
  • Update of actions:
    • PM1-2 CLOSED
    • PM1-3 Needs eformulation taking into account TGAS. Add note to Mantis, Action for XL
    • PM1-4 In principle yes, but not guaranteed
    • PM1-5 Pending. Action for SJ: send mail to DPAC list asking for volonteers
    • PM1-8 CLOSED
    • PM1-12 CLOSED
    • PM1-16 CLOSED (NH remarks that action date is wrong; fixed

WP920 update

Need to start preparing for documentation really quickly. Agreement to start preparing for TGAS publication:

Summer 2015 Aiming for a plain document like Hip Vol 1 (nothing more fancy) Will get feedback from AGIS meeting (FA, CF) soon FvL will check internally at Cambrdige with GG about available resources.

T1-1 Action for FvL: report back on this issue ASAP

XL will try to provide GENIUS resources for a dedicated hiring, if needed Replanning scheduled for end November will clarify planning and thus documentation

WP930 - WP3 update

Summary in this document

XL: we need to take into account that in case TGAS goes ahead the cross-match for Tycho-2 would have to come from CU3. This has implications for WP950 and WP970.

XL: Regarding the DB investigations being carried on in WP930 suggests that they are compiled in technical notes with specific recommendations (focused on needs for the Gaia archive) for SAT. Then these notes can be discussed with SAT for possible implementation.

WP940 - WP5 update

Summary in this document

Progress on resources not as good as required. Would need more manpower Plenary meeting/workshop beginning of March (Meudon). Specific date TBD.

T1-2 Action for FA: report back details from AGIS meeting, specially on constraints/requirements for CU9 (FA,CF)

DB access: currently restriction to TAP interface is not enough for validation needs. Should have JDBC access; being discussed by JH and FA.

T1-3 Action for FA: review the ArchiveSource fields in DM and make proposal for more clear names; open a Mantis for the proposed changes and

fix them through the dictionary tool

GG: with TGAS in the horizon it would be useful to start making official releases of CU9 software, and particularly of validation software. This would allow exercising the formal procedures. Aiming to end of 2014 or early 2015 for instance.

WP950 update

Summary in this document

Update on the status of partner data centres:

ASI has signed NDA CDS will do soon No news from the other two. They do not need to sign if they are not requesting data in advance

Agreement: WP950 is responsible for the integration of software at ESAC, including the deployment of VMs, software deployment, etc. This will be included in the SDP.

WP960 - WP7 update

T1-4 Action for SJ: request from GST/DPACE to WP960 to be more proactive in identifiying relevant activities in the rest of CUs and issuing news from them.

T1-5 Action for TV: ask for volonteers to translate the GENIUS portal pages to different languages; send message to CU9 mail list (linked to action PM1-5)

EM: the GENIUS web will be available soon and will help in this

WP970 -WP6 update

Summary in this document

T1-6 Action GG & JH: agree ICD for science alerts with Cambridge

WP980 - WP4 update

Most of work since Vienna in developing the API for the visualization server. Already implemented and documented in the wiki. Available in Java, with wrappers for several languages. Many functionalities available, including data retrieval. Up to now communication from the Portugal group with the rest of participants has been somewhat limited for practical reasons (understood and agreed by them) but will be increased now.

Data model freeze

  • JH: The DM for a given release will be tagged from the dictionary tool at the appropriate time
  • XL. what we should avoid is general changes that change sigificantly the DM. After the freeze

changes will still be possible, but through the formal and restrictive process including mantis + CCB and SEG acceptation


Other issues

SDP: agreement to update the SDP, specifically including new planning, new sub-WPs and tools. Led by GG, by end 2014 Decision on TGAS replanning in Dec. 2014, after feedback from CU3 Next monthly telecon: 5th Dec 12h
Topic revision: r1 - 02 Feb 2015, LolaBalaguer
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