GENIUS - CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #2

T2 Friday 5 December 2014

Time: 12:00, CET (GMT+01:00)

Meeting Number: 847 289 175 Meeting Password: 141205CU9

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Actions from previous telecons

  • T1-1 Action for FvL: report back on WP920 resources ASAP
    • See below, in the discussion on documentation for TGAS
  • T1-2 Action for FA: report back details from AGIS meeting, specially on constraints/requirements for CU9 (FA,CF)
    • see below (+ software + flags)
  • T1-3 Action for FA: review the ArchiveSource fields in DM and make proposal for more clear names; open a Mantis for the proposed changes and fix them through the dictionary tool
  • T1-4 Action for SJ: request from GST/DPACE to WP960 to be more proactive in identifiying relevant activities in the rest of CUs and issuing news from them.
  • T1-5 Action for TV: ask for volonteers to translate the GENIUS portal pages to different languages; send message to CU9 mail list (linked to action PM1-5)
  • T1-6 Action GG & JH: agree ICD for science alerts with Cambridge


TGAS plan and CU9 roadmap

Preliminary AGIS plan (as discussed in the AGIS meeting last week)

JH: AGIS now running on real data and work will continue as follows:

  1. Development and initial tests: from now until end of February)
  2. Validation of Initial TGAs runs (mid March to mid May). CU9 WP940 agreed to start some early validation ASAP, from the first run.
  3. CU3 validation of final run (mid May to early June) => delivery to CU9
  4. Final CU9 validation (~ June) in parallel with finishing CU3 documentation

If no major problem are found TGAS data may be delivered to CU9 beginning of June. After that validation, documentation and publication should be done. JH: Many uncertainties in this plan, until March we will not have a clear idea of it is possible to have it for the summer conferences (IAU).

XL: No announcement outside DPAC should be done until the first results indicate it is feasible.

CU9 road map

Preliminary ideas being in the wiki. Should be compiled in a document very early: first draft before the end of the year (?)

Action T2-1 GG to write a tech note with the CU9 roadmap to cover the possibility of a TGAS release

Discussion on the content of the wiki:

  • Ingestion of data in the archive: There will be several levels of filtering, the first one will be defined by the CU delivering the data and the last by CU9 validation.

Action T2-2 JH/XL to write a tech note with the details of the data ingestion for TGAS, including selection criteria for MDB sources (to be approved by GST/DPACE)

  • Data Model FVL: No photometry will be available TGAS. FVL also considers astrometry may not be good enough for such an early publication. CU3 and CU9 validation will evaluate the quality of the data when it is produced.

Publishable fields in the DT: Implemented in a branch of the DT. Pending the integration of the changes and inclusion in a DT release. Will probably be ready in January.

Freezing DM: changes should be implemented ASAP and formal freeze should be done in a SEG telecon in January. FA and XL (+ JH and GGA) will have a telecon on this subject next week.

  • Archive/GACS: TGAS will be published in GACS, to be decided which functionality will be included.

  • Validation: XL: TGAS simulation needed? FA: being discussed with CU2 (CB). JH proposes to use some data from the AGISLab simulations. FA replied it may be useful; to be discussed off-line.

  • HW: Probably the required HW is already available at ESAC, however it should be prepared to become an operational systems.

Action T2-3 JS to confirm status of HW at ESAC for TGAS

  • XM:

Action T2-4 PM will prepare a proposal for XM in TGAS TN before the end of the year (which catalogues, how to do it). XM could use proper motion as TGAS results will include them.

  • Documentation: FVL: The most important aspects are to describe very well the validation aspects and the description of the fields in the table. Anthony and Floor will take care of the editorial aspects.

XL: UB (with GENIUS funding) will have a person to work in WP920 starting in January 2015 for 6m. There might be also a person at Cambridge but this is TBC as funding is not yet secured. The use of these resources has to be coordinated.

  • Visualization: AM: There may be some visualization ready for TGAS but it is not yet clear if it will be ready. AM and SF will meet to coordinate their tasks. WP960 is developing a visualization tool for outreach, they will have a telecon to discuss the details.

Other issues:

FA mentioned that some SW tools will have to be delivered together with the data (for instance for proper handling of the the correlations). Details to be defined WP930 should coordinate how these tools will be delivered.

News from WP

Quick round of WPs to report relevant progress or issues since last telecon.

- WP930: minutes from latest teleconference

Next telecon

9th January 2015 at 12 12:00
Topic revision: r1 - 02 Feb 2015, LolaBalaguer
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