GENIUS - CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #4
T4 Friday 6 February 2015
Time 12:00 | CET (GMT+01:00)
Main point will be the review of the TGAS roadmap.
Other issues:
- Final version of CU9 SRS
- Cross-match meeting
- Involvement in RCI reviews: discussion
- Extractor
- Validation
- Documentation
Review of actions from previous telecons
- T1-5 Action for TV: ask for volunteers to translate the GENIUS portal pages to different languages; send message to CU9 mail list (linked to action PM1-5).
Action CLOSED. This was discussed in the
WP960 telecon. A group of people in WP960 will be in charge of the translation of the portal when it is available. This is now nomal work within WP960 and the action is closed.
- T1-6 Action GGA & JH: agree ICD for science alerts with Cambridge.
IN PROGRESS ScienceAlerts data already in the MDB DM, should be transferred from Cambridge to ESAC at the end of the cycle. JH contacted
FdA to discuss how this data will be transferred. He will send a reminder to Francesca including Simon Hodgkin in the discussion.
- T2-2 JH/XL to write a tech note with the details of the data ingestion for TGAS, including selection criteria for MDB sources (to be approved by GST/DPACE):
IN PROGRESS First draft written by JH, to be discussed with XL.
- T2-3 JS to confirm status of HW at ESAC for TGAS:
IN PROGRESS JSB was not attending the telecon at this time. GGA explained that a
TN describing the HW environment has been written. It is understood that there are already enough HW resources to publish TGAS though it is being discussed if a new machine will be deployed. Action left open for final confirmation from JSB.
- T3-1 Define resources for WP920: By the end of January there will be a WP920 KO meeting in Barcelona to distribute the WP920 work among the participants in the WP
Action CLOSED: Telecon held, minutes in
WP920 wiki). JdB is taking the lead in the documentation effort for TGAS. Resources from Cambridge and Barcelona have been confirmed to contribute to this activity.
- T3-2 SJ to report on the progress made in defining the outreach collaboration with other CUs after the WP960 telecon
Action CLOSED This topic was discussed in the
WP960 telecon . SJ will contact CU-L and some other key people in the CUs. He will start with CU3 and Science Alerts and will continue with other CUs. Also a wiki page will be open to collect ideas from other teams.
- T3-3 PM and JH will discuss if XM with external catalogues may be used for AGIS validation.
ÇLOSED As reported by BAS in his comments to GGA-038 no external catalogue from CU9 will be required for AGIS validation within CU3.
- T3-4 FA will discuss with CU3 the best way to publish the astrometric solution convariance matrix in the most useful way for the final users:
IN PROGRESS FA started the discussion with CU3
New actions
- T4-1 JH to update GGA-038 section on top level schedule before next week presentation at DPACE.
- T4-2 XL to open the discussion on rounding the published Gaia data to the error level in the DPACE/GST meeting next week and set up a group in CU9 to propose a procedure for implementing it
- Comments from DPACE already taken into account in the new draft of the document. Action taken for each comment described in the wiki.
- Section of validation added at the end of the document. This is part of WP940 normal work, this section will be removed in the final version of the document and concrete actions, if needed, added to the scientific validation section of the roadmap.
- Top level schedule (from AGIS) should be reviewed. What is written in the roadmap is not realistic any more (too optimistic). JH explained that is early to have a final estimation as the Lund team is running some tests to see how much data is required to get a scientifically good solution. As the current draft of the roadmap is going to be shown to DPACE and GST next week JH (ACTION T4-1) is requested to o update the section on top level schedule before next week presentation at DPACE with his current best estimate.
- Tasks planned for January in the roadmap were reviewed. Good progress in most of them.
- NCH: asked if there is an automatic tool to convert CU9 DM in DT to Postgress schema. JH explained that there are some utility classes used in the GACS ingestor which have to be added to CU9 tools. NCH offered Edimburgh resources for this tasks and also for handling the DM metadata for CU9. Details of the work to be done and task sharing should be discussed once the TN on ingestion is more advanced.
Other issues
Data model freeze (JH)
JH: version ready, only release pending. He will talk to GCM to make the release
- Update of CU9 SRS (GGA) and WP970 SRS (XL/PS)
CU9 SRS is 3 years old, has to be updated. WP970 SRS initial version exists. Both documents should be finished before the end of the year. Before that, any SW (WP940, WP980...) to be used in a possible TGAS release must be properly documented before the TGAS relase.
Cross-match roadmap (XL/GGA)
Roadmap for XM is CU9 being written ( WP-L are invited to have a look at the document and provide comments. There will be a dedicated meeting in Rome,most probably in the last week of February. JSB will set up a doodle to define the concrete dates.
Involvement in RCI reviews: discussion of CU9 attendance and possible relevant systems (XL/GG/JH)
CU9 will be represented in in RCI meetings as follows:
- DPCE (April 14+15): XL/GG + FA(remotely)
- DPCB (April 21+22): XL/GG
- DPCI (April 29+30): FA/GG/NW
Open question: values rounding off at the error level precision. Who? At which stage? Validation?
XL raised this issue which has not been discussed so far. Data should not have decimal digits below the error level of it. NCH he is not convinced data should be truncated, he thinks is not done in other catalogues. FVL agrees with XL's proposal, data has to be truncated to the level of the errors to avoid end-user (miss)interpretation of non sensible data. FA agreed, and he thinks rounding it should be done before validation as the scientific validation must be done on the data as they will be published. Also it was asked if each field and each number should be rounded to its concrete error level. Many details about how and when this truncation should be done are open and have to be discussed. T4-2 XL will raise this topic at DPACE GST next week. With the feedback from GST CU9 (a limited group within CU9) should propose a solution.