GENIUS - CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #5

T5 Friday 6 March 2015

Time 12:00 | CET (GMT+01:00)

Agenda and minutes

TGAS roadmap document: preparation of final version (XL/GG)

  • Feedback from TGAS received and incorporated in the document. Document will be finished next week and issued
  • ACTION: All WP managers to review their sections before Monday EoB XL and GGA will finalise the document on Tuesday
  • Once the document is issued XL and GGA will monitor the progress made wrt to the roadmap and contact the WP leaders when needed.

Feedback from WP940 WS

FA gave a short briefing of the WP940 workshop held in Paris this week. Few topics were discussed:
  • Photometry data will not be included in the TGAS release but FA asked if PhotPipe output may be available to be used for validation. FvL replied that if the data are ready they may be used. This could only happen in TGAS is done after the end of Cycle01 because DPCI will only provide PhotPipe output by then.
  • FA asked if interactive tools may be used in the Gaia release validation, provided the data do not leave ESAC. AB replied that this may be allowed. FvL pointed out that it may be hard to do remotely through the internet. It is agreed that WP940 will be allowed to use interactive tool to validate the Gaia data, though XL will raise it at DPACE level for confirmation.
  • ACTION: FA will include the concrete requirements in the wiki (where other requirements have been compiled) so the ESAC group can find out how they can be fulfilled.
  • ACTION: XL will raise the issue to DPACE
  • The TGAS schedule is very tight for WP940 to be ready to validate the data in time. FA working in defining the priorities. ACTION: FA will mark in GGA-038 those test cases which are considered mandatory to validate TGAS

CU9 official publication list: (XL)

the list of DPAC official publications is being compiled. CU9 list is being compiled in the wiki. These should not be scientific papers but will permit people to publish the work done by the different groups. ACTION: All WP-L to update the list before the next CU9 monthly telecon.

Update on cross-match planning (PM/JS/GG/XL)

PM presented a short summary of the XM meeting held last week in Rome.

  • Data requests for small sky areas to validate the XM locally at ASDC will be raised.
  • JSB asked if extended sources (and SSOs) are going to be labelled in the MDB, this may be a problem for the XM. AB replied this has to be dealt with but no clear solution right now.

XL explained that it has been decided that the COMPLETE Tycho2 and COMPLETE Hipparcos data will be published at ESAC as part of the Gaia archive.

Documentation RoadMap document (SV)

SV presented the roadmap for archive documentation (JDB-094). It will be presented to DPACE next week to make CU-L aware of the documentation it is expected from them. A dedicated telecon may be called to discuss it.

ACTION: All WP-L to review the document and provide comments on the wiki (Sandra will create and distribute a wiki for this).

ACTION SV will update GGA-038 with the concrete documentation tasks to be done for TGAS

Document on source filtering for releases (JH)

Draft being prepared by JH and XL, will be distributed in CU9 and presented in DPACE telecon.

CU9 plenary meeting and DPAC plenary meeting 2015 (XL)

CU9 plennary meeting will take place in September. ACTION: XL to discuss with relevant people to find the best location for this meeting

Report by WP

  • WP930: DT should be ready in the coming weeks
  • WP950: VM for WP980 available at ESAC and being used. EP-013 Census of auxiliary data for Gaia archive will be issued this month. Transfer tests to other DC will be done in the coming weeks.
  • WP970: Progress in XM described above. Data mining meeting planned at ESAC in May.
  • WP980: Running on the ESAC VM, can run now over http with some performance degradation. XL: requested to have a demo in one of the telecons or the CU9 plenary.

Next telecon date

Mon 13/04 14:00
Topic revision: r2 - 23 Apr 2015, LolaBalaguer
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