GENIUS - CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #6

T6 Monday 13 April 2015

Time 12:00 | CET (GMT+01:00)

Agenda and minutes

Actions from previous telecon

  • All WP managers to review their sections in GGA-038
DONE: GGA-038 issued

  • FA will include the concrete requirements for the use of interactive tools for scientific validation in the wiki

  • XL will raise the issue of the use of interactive tools (Accessing the data before the release) for scientific validation to DPACE
DONE raising + will raise concrete requirement to DPACE when available

  • FA will mark in GGA-038 those test cases which are considered mandatory to validate TGAS
DONE, TC priority included in GGA-038

  • All WP-L to update the CU9 list of official publications before the next CU9 monthly telecon
PENDING; postponed to next CU9 monthly telecon

  • All to review JDB-094 and provide comments on the wiki

  • SV to update GGA-038 with the concrete documentation tasks to be done for TGAS

  • XL to discuss with relevant people to find the best location for the next CU9 plennary meeting

Report from the AGIS meeting (JH/GG)

Report form the last AGIS meeting held at Heidelberg 7-9 April 2015.


  • First runs of TGAS/AGIS executed. First results look promising but there are many things to be understood
  • TGAS solution can not be provided in June as scheduled
  • Observations entering TGAS will be frozen in May (up to end of segment 0)
  • Around July CU3 expects to have a good understanding of the results and can provide a delivery date. Then a lot of internal verification will follow.
  • New expected delivery date around October 2015 (best case) or end of 2015 (worst case). We might decide to join TGAS with R1 in the later case (to be discussed by DPACE at the meeting 1st of July)
  • Solution errors will be artificially incremented to take into account possible systematics. CU9 will receive these errors.
  • Gated windows will be included, so bright stars will be present, and so more Hipparcos stars (will be useful for validation)
  • Each star will have its own reference epoch. This has to be changed in GG-038 table to re-introduce this field.

Action [GG]: update GGA-038 with new dates and information

Provisional data

  • CU3 can deliver TGAS data from the first runs to CU9 in the next two weeks. This can be useful to start exercising validation.
  • Possibility to include in MDB00 at the end of cycle 0 (July) for all Gaia sources. These data can be used by CU9 as test data for R1. Being discussed by BAS, who will make a proposal.


  • Proposal from BAS agreed at the meeting

Action [JH]: update JH-015 with the agreed filtering schema

Schedule update from AGIS inputs (XL/JH)

[Action XL/JH/GG]: formulate new schedule from above inputs, distribute it and include it in GGA-038

CU9 official publication list: (XL)

[Action to WP managers]: (postponed from today to the next monthly telecon) All WP-L to update the CU9 list of official publications before the next CU9 monthly telecon

Documentation update (SV/FvL)

CU9 plenary meeting and DPAC plenary meeting 2015 (XL)

Report by WP

WP910 Management (XL)

  • Meeting on beta-test group (NH/GC/GG); aiming to get it up and running before summer (early July)

WP920 Documentation (FvL)

  • Change in WP management: Anthony Brown has been replaced by Jos de Bruijne as deputy manager. Discussed and accepted at last DPACE teleconference.

  • The two new documents (JDB-094 and JDB-095) will be presented to DPACE in the next teleconference.

WP930 Architecture (NH)

WP940 Validation (FA)

  • Priorities P1, P2, P3 have been assigned for the TGAS validation tests, with P1 and P2 to be implemented as target.
  • The current implementation status (as of 12/04/2015) is the following :

Test P1 P2 P3 Operational 0 3 2 On going 5 3 8 Not implemented 3 6 10

  • This is documented (together with all other recent questions) in the last WP manager telecon minutes. Action to review the schedule and to try to implement before end April the P1 tests.
  • Implementation of the tools needed to organise the launch, run and get the results of the tests is also on-going
  • Two simulated TGAS Catalogues using AGISLab input have been implemented and are being used by the WPs

[Action to FA]: plan for an integration test using the TGAS provisional data. The results will be forwarded to DPACE for its 1st July meeting as an input on the decisions about the TGAS publication.

WP950 Operations (GG)

  • Technical note about HW environment on livelink describing the current setup; will evolve as needed
  • Validation DB access agreed to be done through a special MDB explorer being set up by GCM
  • Work on data transfer tests on external data centers ongoing; lots of problems with the security configuration. Size and format of tests realistic for R1.

WP960 Outreach (SJ)

  • During the Heidelberg meeting information about AGIS was gathered to prepare outreach content
  • Sandbox continues development; work with the Lisbon group ongoing. Will be ready for the number of stars in TGAS

[Action to SJ/SV]: coordinate for the preparation of Gaia "fact sheets" in each release and its translation to other languages besides English (WP960 can help on this)

WP970 Tools (XL)

  • Upcoming meeting on data mining (May 2015 at ESAC). All interested teams will get together to discuss the implementation of Data Mining in the archive.
  • Cross matching: specification on ESAC environment for X-match will be discussed by PM and GG. Specification will be provided by PM next week; first decision will be if the validation environment can be shared.

[Action GG/PM]: discuss and define the request to be made to SAT for a XM environment

WP980 Visualization (AM)

  • Contacts with Data Mining team in WP970 to discuss joint requirements
  • External teams have been contacted and involved in integrating their visualisation software with the visualization server.
  • Tests with the ESAC virtual machine ongoing. Local tests at Lisbon also going on to check escalability; now reaching visualizations of 100 million objects.

Question (GG): is documentation about the visualization server available? Answer (AM): it is on the wiki; we will make it more visible

Next telecon date

8th of May 2015, at 14h
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Apr 2015, LolaBalaguer
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