On the connection between the thick disk and the barred galactic bulge

A. Spagna, A. Curir, M. G. Lattanzi, P. Re Fiorentin, A.Laura Serra (INAF, Torino, Italy)

Although the thick disk in our Galaxy was revealed more than thirty years ago, the formation scenario is still unclear.
Recently, several studies of in-situ thick disk stars have evidenced a positive kinematic-metallicity correlation, dVphi/d[Fe/H] = 40-50 km/s/dex. Such a finding appears consistent with a mild positive radial metallicity gradient, d[Fe/H]/dR, for thick disk stars, which, differently from thin disk stars, show lower chemical abundances towards the inner disk. Here, we discuss these results with respect to the expected evolution of a primordial disk population, as deduced through high resolution N-body simulations of a Milky Way-like disk galaxy. In particular, we analyse how the presence of a barred bulge may affect the disk evolution from the spatial and chemo-kinematical point of view.
Topic revision: r1 - 28 Nov 2014, SusanaBascon
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