The TOROS and TORITOS projects

M. Diaz, M. Beroiz, C. Torres, M. Benacquista, D. Garcia, M. Dominguez, B. Sanchez, L. Macri ( CGWA, Texas University, USA )

The TOROS project consists of two different stages. The TOROS collaboration will operate for both stages telescopes at the Cordón Macón astronomical park in the province of Salta, Argentina. The site is located at latitude 24.61 South and longitude 67.32 West, at an altitude of 4,650 meters in the plateau of the Atacama dessert. The site has excellent conditions for astronomical observations (90% of useful nights and median seeing of 0.7 arcsec). Similarly both will dedicated to the follow up of optical counterparts of aLIGO and AdVIRGO triggers. This poster describes the main characteristics of both instruments and the strategy to implement observation and characterization of these transients.
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Nov 2014, SusanaBascon
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