Will Gaia see TP-AGB stars in the Galactic halo?

Gustavo Bruzual (CRyA, UNAM, Mexico)

Recent developments in the theoretical treatment of the evolution of TP-AGB stars
has allowed us to make realistic models that reproduce the luminosity function of these stars in the LMC and SMC galaxies observed by the SAGE collaboration. Our models follow the evolution of individual stars in these galaxies formed according to the time and metallicity dependent star formation laws in these galaxies. I will use these models to predict the number of TP-AGB stars expected in the halo of the Milky Way galaxy according to the accepted star formation history of the Galaxy. TP-AGB stars in the galactic halo may come also from the remnants of satellite galaxies which have been cannibalized by our galaxy. I will explore the detectability of these stars in the Gaia photometric system depending on the age, metallicity, and star formation history of the satellite galaxies.
Topic revision: r2 - 28 Nov 2014, SusanaBascon
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