Miércoles 23 de Enero de 2013, 17:30 - 19:30

CU9: VO y minería de datos (Sala Mestral)

  • Coordina: L.M. Sarro (UNED), X. Luri (UB)

  • Asistentes: E. Antiche (UB), B. Arcay (UdC), J.M. Carrasco (UB), J. Castañeda (UB), M. Clotet (UB), C. Dafonte (UdC), D. Fustes (UdC), E. Gallardo (UB), X. Luri (UB), M. Manteiga (UdC), E. Masana (UB), W. O'Mulane (ESAC), P. Osuna (ESAC), M. Ramos (ESAC), J. Salgado (ESAC), T. Sagristà (UB), E. Solano (LAEFF, TBC), D. Tapiador (ESAC), A. Ulla (UV), ..

A provisional agenda is included below, but the intention is that the discussion is guided by the interests of the participants:

  • Data mining in CU9: review of the current description of the WPs and WP structure
  • Data mining infrastructure: how the archive will support data mining?
    • Archive technology: SaaS, Hadoop/MapReduce,...
    • A data mining framework for the archive?
    • Programming languages
  • Basic data mining tools to be implemented in the archive (DM toolbox for the community)
  • Advanced data mining tools? E.g. galaxy model comparison with the archive data
  • REG: are there some additional DM initiatives that we could start/support in REG (in addition to or coordinated with CU9)
  • Summary of the foreseen contributions to CU9 by Spanish groups

All of this would be extremely informal with no powerpoint/OOimpress needed.
Topic revision: r8 - 22 Jan 2013, XaviLuri
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