A continuación se muestran los trabajos que, usando datos de Gaia, han sido publicados por miembros de la REG en revistas internacionales con árbitro.
(Periodo: desde 25 de abril de 2018 a febrero de 2019). Si falta algún trabajo, mándanos por favor los datos a reg@fqa.ub.edu para que lo incluyamos.
Enero/Febrero 2019 (59)
J-PLUS: Morphological star/galaxy classification by PDF analysis
Simultaneous Kepler/K2 and XMM-Newton observations of superflares in the Pleiades
Mass modelling globular clusters in the Gaiaera: a method comparison using mock data from an N-body simulation of M 4 ( ... M. Gieles...)
Two new free-floating or wide-orbit planets from microlensing
The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA -derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library
Gaia Data Release 2. Properties and validation of the radial velocities
On the post-common-envelope central star of the planetary nebula NGC 2346
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. The enigmatic planetary system GJ 4276: one eccentric planet or two planets in a 2:1 resonance?
Prolonged sub-luminous state of the new transitional pulsar candidate CXOU J110926.4-650224
Linking the rotation of a cluster to the spins of its stars: the kinematics of NGC 6791 and NGC 6819 in 3D
The Near-ultraviolet Continuum Radiation in the Impulsive Phase of HF/GF-type dMe Flares. I. Data
Diverse Variability of O and B Stars Revealed from 2-minute Cadence Light Curves in Sectors 1 and 2 of the TESS Mission: Selection of an Asteroseismic Sample
TESS Discovery of an Ultra-short-period Planet around the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 3844
Transit analysis of the CoRoT -5, CoRoT -8, CoRoT -12, CoRoT -18, CoRoT -20, and CoRoT -27 systems with combined ground- and space-based photometry
A Catalog of Wide Binary and Multiple Systems of Bright Stars from Gaia-DR2 and the Virtual Observatory
Evidence for mass accretion driven by spiral shocks onto the white dwarf in SDSS J123813.73-033933.0
Asteroseismology of the Hyades red giant and planet host ∊ Tauri
The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA) - I: project description and continuum images at 28 au resolution
MUSE-AO view of the starburst-AGN connection: NGC 7130
A Second Terrestrial Planet Orbiting the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 1140
First Assessment of the Binary Lens OGLE-2015-BLG-0232
Multiple water band detections in the CARMENES near-infrared transmission spectrum of HD 189733 b
Kepler-730: A Hot Jupiter System with a Close-in, Transiting, Earth-sized Planet
The origin of accreted stellar halo populations in the Milky Way using APOGEE, Gaia, and the EAGLE simulations
A slowly expanding torus associated with the candidate LBV MGE 042.0787+00.5084
Orbits of 14 binaries based on 2018 SOAR speckle observations
The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVIII. Two new giant planets around the metal-poor stars HD 220197 and HD 233832
Chemical and Kinematic Analysis of CN-strong Metal-poor Field Stars in LAMOST DR3
Space astrometry of the very massive ̃150 M☉ candidate runaway star VFTS682
High-resolution ALMA Observations of HD 100546: Asymmetric Circumstellar Ring and Circumplanetary Disk Upper Limits
K2-140b and K2-180b - Characterization of a hot Jupiter and a mini-Neptune from the K2 mission
Dust production and depletion in evolved planetary systems
The 1989 and 2015 outbursts of V404 Cygni: a global study of wind-related optical features
Cool dwarfs in wide multiple systems, Paper 6: a curious quintuple system of a compact Sun-like triple and a close pair of an M dwarf and a very cool white dwarf at a wide separation
Pulsations and eclipse-time analysis of HW Vir
Star-galaxy classification in the Dark Energy Survey Y1 data set
The HST PanCET Program: Hints of Na I and Evidence of a Cloudy Atmosphere for the Inflated Hot Jupiter WASP-52b
Old-Aged Primary Distance Indicators
The Pristine survey IV: approaching the Galactic metallicity floor with the discovery of an ultra-metal-poor star
Exploring the substellar population in the Hyades open cluster
K2-263 b: a 50 d period sub-Neptune with a mass measurement using HARPS-N
Hubble PanCET: an extended upper atmosphere of neutral hydrogen around the warm Neptune GJ 3470b.... (Sanz-