Detalles lanzamiento

ESA ha publicado ya la secuencia de lanzamiento de Gaia. Podéis encontrarla aqui. A continuación reproducimos la secuencia indicando los pasos mas críticos:

  • L = lift off (19/12 is 9:12 UTC = 6:12 Kourou, 10:12 Paris)
  • L + 2 min: 1st stage-2nd stage separation
  • L + 3 min: Fairing separation
  • L + 5 min: 2nd stage - 3rd stage separation
  • L + 9 min: Nose module separation (nose module= S/C plus Fregat)
  • L + 10 min: 1st Fregat burn
  • L + 21 min: 2nd Fregat burn
  • L+ 43 min: spacecraft separation, switch on transponder, switch on gyros, release the payload bipods (connection between the PLM and the SVM) ---> critical
  • L+ 43 min: CPS priming (configure and pressurise the propulsion system) ---> critical
  • L + 1 h: configure the thermal control, acquire the sun and put the spacecraft in the right attitude
  • L +1 h 18 min: start deployment of the sun shield ---> critical
  • L + 1 h 28 min: end deployment of the sun shield ---> critical
  • In case at 1 h 28 min the deployment is not achieved the following happens:
    • L + 1 h + 28 min: start 2nd deployment sequence with redundant system
    • L + 1 h + 38 min: end 2nd deployment sequence with redundant system
Topic revision: r3 - 10 Dec 2013, FrancescaFigueras
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