Teleconferencia: WG1 Cluster membership criteria from input data
Organizador español: Emilio Alfaro (IAA)
Lugar, fechas: Telecon, 17 de octubre de 2011
Link en web:
Financiación: No
Orden del dia:
According to the suggestions of the SC, we are planning the teleconf for discussing cluster membership criteria for different input data. Two basic points:
we just do a photometric selection, using auxiliary data (X-rays, NIR, etc.) and proper motions as a guide to define the cluster sequences
we carry out a detailed membership analysis, which, however, would not be uniform and will very much depend on the specific cluster and available data.
Distribution of tasks will also be discussed.
Resum de la reunión, haciendo hincapié en aquellos puntos en los que puede aumentar la participación española: