Stellar, Circumstellar, and Interstellar Physics Survey (SCIP)

SCIP face-to-face meeting, Barcelona 8-9 March 2016

Practical Information

Video-conferencing connection

We will have to options:

  • Via Skype: you will have access through the skype user francesca.figueras
  • Via Sony or Polycom system: our IP number is Both, you can send us your IP and we will call you or you can directly call this number.
. Both options will work simultaneously and will be open during the conference. In both system you will see the screen of the speaker. If you plan to connect, please send an email to

Venue and Access

The meeting will take place at the DAM Seminar Room in the seventh floor of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona (Marti i Franques, 1. Metro ). See here how to arrive

  • The cost of a taxi from the Airport is around 20-30 euros (depending on the Terminal) and takes about half an hour.
  • Alternatively, you can take the shuttle bus from the Airport (Terminal 1 or Terminal 2) (every 10 min) to Espanya Square (or Catalunya Square) and afterwards catch the metro (green line, L3, every 5 min) up to Palau Reial stop (15 min journey).
  • Still another alternative from the Airport, is the train departing from Terminal 2 every 30min (20 min journey). From Terminal 1 to Terminal2 there is a free shuttle bus every 6-7 minutes ( ). Get down at Barcelona-Sants stop and then take the metro (green line, L3, every 5 min) up to Palau Reial stop (15 min journey).
  • Here you have a pdf map of the public transport in Barcelona.

Internet connection

  • First, connect to:
  • Open any webpage in a navigator
  • You will see the UB webpage and need to fill the following: TBC
    • User:
    • Password:

  • Or, if you have an account, you can connect through eduroam


Participants are invited to make their own hotel reservations.

Participants are invited to make their own hotel reservations. Close to the meeting place, we recommend the Universitary Residence "Torre Girona" in the University Campus. Early booking recommended as space is very limited. The address is:

Two hotels close to the meeting place are:

If you prefer a hotel in a more centric area, we recommend another Universitary Residence "Residencia d'Investigadors" near Metro Liceu. Early booking recommended as space is very limited. The address is:

Two hotels near the center:

More hotels:

If you prefer being near the beach, there is another residence somewhat further from the UB but near the sea.

Or you can find a list through "Tourism/Accommodation/Hotels" here. Hotels in the city center are those in the zone "BARRI GOTIC", and some of those in "DRETA EIXAMPLE", "ESQUERRA EIXAMPLE".
Topic revision: r5 - 02 Mar 2016, FrancescaFigueras
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