Stellar, Circumstellar, and Interstellar Physics Survey (SCIP)

SCIP face-to-face meeting, Barcelona 8-9 March 2016

List of participants

  1. Emilio Alfaro (IAA, Spain)
  2. Lola Balaguer-Nuñez (ICCUB, Spain)
  3. Teresa Costado (IAA, Spain)
  4. Janet Drew (Univ. Hertfordshire, UK)
  5. Ricardo Dorda (Univ. Alicante, Spain, Student)
  6. Juan Fabregat (Univ. Valencia, Spain)
  7. Cecilia Farina (IAC, Spain)
  8. Francesca Figueras (ICCUB, Spain)
  9. Miriam García García (CAB, Spain)
  10. Marwan Gebran (Univ. Beirut, UB collaborator)
  11. Eduardo González (CASU, UK)
  12. Robert Greimel (Univ. of Graz)
  13. Amy Harris (Univ. Hertfordshire, UK)
  14. Artemio Herrero (IAC, Spain)
  15. Shoko Jin (Groningen, The Netherlands)
  16. Jesús Maíz-Apellániz (CAB-CSIC, Spain)
  17. Maria Monguió (Univ. Hertfordshire, UK)
  18. Roger Mor (ICCUB, Spain, Student)
  19. Ignacio Negueruela (Univ. Alicante, Spain)
  20. Roberto Raddi (University of Warwick, UK)
  21. Sara Rodriguez (IAC, ES)
  22. Merce Romero-Gomez (ICCUB, ES)
  23. Stuart Sale (RPC, Oxford, UK)
  24. Sergio Simón Díaz (IAC, Spain)
  25. Scott Trager (Groningen, The Netherlands, via skype)
  26. Yvonne Unruh (Imperial, UK, via skype)
  27. Jorick Vink (Armagh Observatory, UK)
  28. Nic Walton (Cambrdige, UK)
  29. Nick Wright (Keele University, UK)
  30. Albert Zijlstra (Manchester, UK)
  31. Cristina Zurita (IAC, Spain)
Topic revision: r18 - 09 Feb 2018, DaniMolina
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