Remove User

Utility for removing registered users, when supported by the User Mapper.

The following form can be used by administrators to delete a user's account:
  • The user is removed from the user database.
  • The user's topic is moved to the trash web.
  • The user is removed from any groups.
  • Other topics like the users LeftBar are not removed.

Note: Consider leaving the user topic file in place so their past signatures and revision author entries don't end up looking like AnUncreatedTopic. If you want to make it clear the user is no longer around, replace the topic content with a note to that effect. The existence of the UserName topic should also prevent that username from being re-used, sealing the potential security hole regarding inherited permissions.

Remove user is only available to administrators.

TIP For Foswiki versions prior to Foswiki 2.0, see the AntiWikiSpamPlugin extension for another method of removing users. It provides a rest handler to:
  • Move the user topic to the Trash web.
  • Remove the user from the password / mapper
  • Remove the user from any groups.

Related topics: ResetPassword, ChangeEmailAddress, UserToolsCategory, AdminToolsCategory

Topic revision: r1 - 28 Dec 2016, ProjectContributor
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