GENIUS Sitges plenary meeting 2017

Sitges, Melia Hotel, Monday 23 to Friday 27 January 2017 General Meeting.

Wednesday 25th January 2017, General Overview of GENIUS,.14:00h, estimated duration 2 hours.


GENIUS status review (All)

A quick review of the GENIUS developments and actions for the duration of the project

GENIUS wrap-up (All)

A status review in view of the finalisation of the project



  1. Nic Walton (UCAM))
  2. Xavi Luri (UB)
  3. Lola Balaguer (UB)
  4. Eduard Masana (UB)
  5. Nuria Benitez (UB - FBG)
  6. Anthony Brown (UL)
  7. Nigel Hamby (UEDIN)
  8. Andre Moitinho (FFCUL)
  9. Francesc Julbe (UB)
  10. Enrique Solano (via Webex) (INTA)
  11. Frederic Arenou (CNRS)
  12. Teresa Via (CSUC)
  13. Anna Mirats (CSUC)
  14. Mark Taylor (UBR)
  15. Dimitri Pourbaix (ULB)
  16. Annie Robin (CNRS, UFC)
  17. Alberto Krone-Martins (FFCUL)
  18. Paola Marrese (INAF-ASDC)
  19. Silvia Marinoni (INAF - ASDC)
  20. Carlos Barata (FFCUL)
  21. Márcia Barros (FFCUL)

Minutes of the Sitges plenary 2017

Topic revision: r16 - 21 Mar 2017, LolaBalaguer
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