Relación de publicaciones en ADS:
María José Fernández Figueroa:
Análisis cualitativo del espectro de la estrella peculiar HD 18474. 1971RvMad..65..113
Carmen Morales Durán:
Fotometría fotográfica UBV del cúmulo galáctico King 19, 1974UrBar.281..205
Begoña de Luis:
The spectrum of He I in the Beta Lyrae system., 1975OPurA...8...95
Pilar López de Coca:
Results of the occultation of the star SAO 79100 by RHEA on 1974 1976A&A....50..121
Rosa Dominguez-Tenreiro:
Upper Limits on the Hubble Modulus Anisotropy Provided by Cosmic - MICROWAVE_ Background Observations, 1981A&A....93..306
Elisa de Castro:
The transition region structure of Kappa Ceti, 1981A&A....99..141
Angeles Diaz Beltran:
The metal abundance of PAL 13, 1982AJ.....87.1190
Jordi Nebot, Carme:
Corrections to Watts' Datum from Photoelectric Occultations 1982M&P....27..131
Cesca Figueras:
The Influence of Unrecognized Nearby M-Stars on Local Kinematics 1983nssl.conf..307
González Riestra, Rosario:
The relationship between soft X-rays and the 1640 A feature fluxes in late-type stars
Hernanz Carbó, Margarita:
Collapse and explosion of white dwarfs. I - Precollapse evolution1983ApJ...273..320
Josefina Ling Ling:
Micrometer Measurements of Visual Double Stars 1984A&AS...58..287D
Gracia Rodríguez Caderot.
Se fué a matemáticas, está en la UCM en Astronomía : The determination of the radial velocity
binary system ? Lyrae. 1985AnFA...81..168
Victoria Fonseca:
Observation of B* production in e + e - interactions above the b-flavor threshold. Hace Rayos Cósmicos en la Complu. 1985PhRvL..55...36
Mercedes Prieto:
Near-infrared mapping of spiral galaxies. I - The SB galaxy NGC 2841 Annular structure in the young disc component 1985A&A...146..297
Gómez de Castro, Ana Inés:
A-type supergiants observed with IUE 1986ESASP.263..427
Lola Sabau:
IUE low resolution observations of blue-stragglers. 1987fbs..conf..571