15.00-15.30 |
I5.5 |
From SDSS to Gaia and LSST |
Zeljko Ivezic (I) |
University of Washington, Seattle, USA |
pdf |
16.30-17.00 |
I2.2 |
Tick, tock, tick, tock ... |
Wyn Evans (I) |
IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK |
Wednesday 3 December 2014 |
12.45-13.00 |
C3.1 |
Stars with and without planets: Where do they come from? |
Vardan Adibekyan |
CAUP, Porto, Portugal |
pdf |
12.30-12.45 |
E4.6 |
Stellar distribution in the star-forming region Gamma Velorum |
Tristan Cantat-Gaudin (E) |
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Padova, Italy |
pdf |
13.00-13.15 |
E3.2 |
Physical models of asteroids from photometric surveys: preparation of Gaia data exploitation |
Toni Santana i Ros (E) |
AMU, Poznan, Poland |
pdf |
14.3015.00 |
I1.2 |
Gaia Mission Status |
Timo Prusti (I) |
ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands |
pdf |
13.0513.15 |
I7.3 |
Closing Words and Final Discussion |
Timo Prusti (I) |
ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands |
09.45-10.00 |
E6.2 |
Improving the cosmic distance ladder: distance and structure of the Large Magellanic Cloud |
Tatiana Muraveva (E) |
INAF-Bologna, Italy |
pdf |
10.15-10.30 |
C6.2 |
Three-dimensional extinction mapping using Gaussian random fields |
Stuart Sale |
OX Physics, University of Oxford, UK |
pdf |
13.00-13.15 |
C4.3 |
Galactocentric variation of the abundance structure in the Milky Way stellar disk - results from the Gaia-ESO survey |
Sofia Feltzing |
ASTRO, Lund University, Sweden |
14.45-18.00 |
Social programme |
19.45 |
Social Dinner |
17.30-17.45 |
C5.5 |
What can Gaia proper motions tell us about Milky Way dwarf galaxies? |
Shoko Jin |
RUG, Groningen, The Netherlands |
09.00-11.00 |
Session QA2: Gaia Science - Extended Q+A session |
Chair: Sergi Blanco Cuaresma |
14.45-16.15 |
Session QA1: Gaia Science - Extended Q+A session |
Chair: Alejandra Sans |
12.15-13.15 |
Session 7: Beyond Gaia, Beyond GREAT |
Chair: Wil O'Mullane |
11.00-12.15 |
Session 6B: The Transient Sky |
Chair: Gisella Clementini |
09.00-10.30 |
Session 6A: The Distance Scale |
Chair: Laurent Eyer |
09.00-11.00 |
Session 6: Grand Challenges from Gaia |
16.45-18.30 |
Session 5D: Galactic Dynamics |
Chair: Annie Robin |
14.30-16.15 |
Session 5C: Gaia, Galactic Surveys, Modelling, Synergies |
Chair: Timo Prusti |
11.30-13.00 |
Session 5B: Galactic Structure and Evolution |
Chair: Martin Smith |
09.30-11.00 |
Session 5A: Archaeology of the Milky Way |
Chair: Coryn Bailer-Jones |
Session 5: The Origin and History of the Milky Way |
Chair: Coryn Bailer-Jones |
11.30-13.00 |
Session 4B: Stellar Astrophysics |
Chair: Ulrike Heiter |
16.45-18.15 |
Session 4A: Star Cluster Evolution |
Chair: Antonella Vallenari |
Session 4: The Stellar Constituents of the Milky Way |
11.00-13.15 |
Session 3: Planetary Systems: Worlds Near and Far |
Chair: Tadeusz Michalowski |
16.00-18.00 |
Session 2: The Physics and Science Promise of Gaia |
Chair: Anthony Brown |
09.00-10.30 |
Session 2 (cont): The Physics and Science Promise of Gaia |
Chair: Caroline Soubiran |
14.00-15.30 |
Session 1: The GREAT ITN and Gaia: Context and Status |
Chair: Francesca Figueras |
17.45-18.00 |
E4.3 |
Testing the chemical tagging technique with Open Clusters |
Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma |
LAB, Bourdeaux, CNRS, France |
pdf |
17.00-17.30 |
I2.3 |
Gaia Astrometry and Fundamental Physics |
Sergei Klioner (I) |
Lohrmann Observatory, Dresden, Germany |
pdf |
11.00-11.30 |
I6.3 |
Supernovae |
Rubina Kotak (I) |
Queen's University Belfast, UK |
pdf |
12.30-14.00 |
Registration |
09.45-10.30 |
QA4 |
Exploring Milky Way structure and dynamics |
Ralph Schöenrich (I) |
Oxford University, UK |
09.45-10.00 |
C2.6 |
Making action-angle disc models for Gaia |
Paul McMillan |
ASTRO, Lund Observatory, Sweden |
pdf |
09.00-09.30 |
I6.2 |
Gaia, Variable Stars and the Distance Scale |
Patricia Whitelock (I) |
SAAO, Cape Town, South Africa |
pdf |
10.00-10.15 |
C6.1 |
Infrared survey of variable stars toward the bulge and beyond |
Noriyuki Matsunaga |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
18.00-18.15 |
C4.1 |
Radial migration and the properties of the MW disk |
Nikos Prantzos |
AIP, Paris, France |
pdf |
14.0014.10 |
I1.0 |
Welcome |
Nicholas Walton (SOC) & Francesca Figueras (LOC) |
pdf |
12.4513.05 |
I7.2 |
GREAT2Net - Networking in the Era of Gaia |
Nicholas Walton (I) |
IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK |
pdf |
14.1014.30 |
I1.1 |
GREAT-ITN and Gaia: Preparing for Science |
Nicholas Walton |
IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK |
pdf |
11.30-11.45 |
E6.3 |
Gaia: switching on the transient discovery machine |
Nadejda Blagoródnova (E) |
IoA, Cambridge University, UK |
pdf |
11.45-12.00 |
C6.3 |
Ground based follow-up for Gaia Science Alerts: First Results |
Morgan Fraser |
IoA, Cambridge University, UK |
pdf |
Monday 1 December 2014 |
16.00-16.30 |
I2.1 |
Formation and evolution of the Galactic disks |
Misha Haywood (I) |
Observatoire de Paris, France |
pdf |
10.15-10.30 |
C2.8 |
Analysing the disc Red Clump stars of the Galactic bar in the Gaia space of observables |
Mercè Romero-Gómez |
ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain |
pdf |
09.30-09.45 |
E6.1 |
Astrostatistics for luminosity calibration in the Gaia era |
Max Palmer (E) |
ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain |
pdf |
09.0009.30 |
I5.1 |
RAVE as a Gaia precursor, what to expect from the Gaia RVS? |
Matthias Steinmetz (I) |
AIP, Potsdam, Germany |
pdf |
10.30-10.45 |
E5.3 |
Substructure in galaxy discs: Identifying secularly evolved populations |
Matthew Molloy (E) |
KIAA/PKU, Beijing, China |
pdf |
18.15-18.30 |
C5.8 |
Cool runaways - Nearby Hills ejecta as a probe of the gravitational potential of the Milky Way |
Martin Smith |
SHAO, Shanghai, China |
pdf |
09.15-09.30 |
C2.4 |
Gaia Radial Velocity Spectrograph Performance |
Mark Cropper |
pdf |
12.45-13.00 |
C5.3 |
The Perseus arm stellar overdensity at 1.6 kpc |
Maria Monguió |
Universidad de Alicante, Spain |
pdf |
16.00-16.15 |
C5.4 |
Radial velocities and chemical tagging with WEAVE at the WHT |
Marc Balcells |
ING, La Palma, Spain |
pdf |
13.15-14.45 |
Lunch break |
13.15-14.45 |
Lunch break |
13.00-14.30 |
Lunch break |
16.4517.15 |
I5.7 |
A multi-scale approach to simulate the Galaxy |
Luis Aguilar (I) |
UNAM, Ensenada, Mexico |
pdf |
12.00-12.15 |
E4.4 |
Highlights of the LINEAR survey |
Lovro Palaversa (E) |
UNIGE, Geneve, Switzerland |
pdf |
12.30-12.45 |
E3.1 |
Exoplanets: Gaia and the importance of ground based spectroscopy follow-up |
Lisa Benamati (E) |
IA, University of Porto, Portugal |
pdf |
10.30-11.00 |
PhD focus: discussion session |
Led by Alejandra Sans & Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma |
LAB, Bourdeaux, CNRS, France |
09.30-09.45 |
C2.5 |
The variability Analysis and Processing of Gaia data |
Laurent Eyer |
UNIGE, Switzerland |
pdf |
16.45-17.15 |
I4.1 |
The open clusters in the Gaia-ESO Survey |
Laura Magrini (I) |
INAF-Acetri, Italy |
pdf |
11.3012.00 |
I5.3 |
Hunting for debris in the disc |
Justin Read (I) |
University of Surrey, UK |
pdf |
15.30-16.00 |
I5.6 |
The Galactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) Survey |
Joss Bland-Hawthorn (I) |
University of Sidney, Australia |
pdf |
11.30-12.00 |
I4.3 |
Synergy between asteroseismology and the Gaia mission |
Josefina Montalban (I) |
University of Leige, Belgium |
pdf |
15.0015.30 |
I1.3 |
Gaia Science Performance |
Jos de Bruijne (I) |
ESTEC, ESA, The Netherlands |
pdf |
17.45-18.00 |
C2.2 |
From telemetry to science |
Jordi Portell |
ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain |
pdf |
10.15-10.30 |
E5.2 |
Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in Pan-STARRS: The Galactic Halo. |
John Vickers (E) |
ARI, Heidelberg, Germany |
pdf |
15.30-16.15 |
QA2 |
What drives the evolution of the Milky Ways disk? |
Jo Bovy (I) |
Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, USA |
pdf |
10.00-10.15 |
C2.7 |
A PRIMAL view of the Milky Way, made possible by Gaia and M2M modelling |
Jason Hunt |
pdf |
14.45-15.30 |
QA1 |
Understanding the formation of the Milky Way in the era of Gaia |
Ivan Minchev (I) |
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam AIP |
pdf |
10.00-10.15 |
E5.1 |
Large-scale structure of the inner Milky Way |
Iulia Simion (E) |
IoA, Univ. Cambridge, UK |
pdf |
11.0011.30 |
I3.1 |
The Gaia mission in the rapidly-evolving context of exoplanet science |
Ignasi Ribas (I) |
ICE - IEEC, Spain |
pdf |
17.15-17.30 |
E5.6 |
On the characterization of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era |
Hoda Abedi (E) |
ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain |
pdf |
14.30-15.00 |
I5.4 |
Dynamical models of the Galactic Disk |
Hans-Walter Rix (I) |
MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany |
pdf |
Friday 5 December 2014 |
12.00-12.15 |
E5.5 |
Assessing the impact of astronomical phenomena on the Earth |
Fabo Feng (E) |
MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany |
pdf |
18.00-18.15 |
C5.7 |
Hypervelocity stars in the Gaia era |
Elena Rossi |
Leiden University, The Netherlands |
pdf |
17.45-18.00 |
C5.6 |
Stellar motion around co-rotating spiral arm: Gaia Mock data |
Daisuke Kawata |
pdf |
09.3010.00 |
I5.2 |
New observational constraints to chemodynamical models of the Milky Way |
Cristina Chiappini (I) |
AIP, Postsdam, Germany |
11.25-11.30 |
13.15-14.30 |
Conference Close (Poster take down) |
Bon viatge/ buen viaje |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee break and poster viewing |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break and poster viewing |
16.15-16.45 |
Coffee break and poster viewing |
11.00-11.25 |
Coffee break and poster viewing |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee break and poster viewing |
16.15-16.45 |
Coffee break and poster viewing |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break and poster vierwing |
17.30-17.45 |
C2.1 |
Gaia Validation Tasks |
Claus Fabricius |
ICC-UB / IEEC, Spain |
pdf |
17.30-17.45 |
E4.2 |
Quest for finding the lost siblings of the Sun |
Cheng Liu (E) |
ASTRO, Lund Observatory, Sweden |
pdf |
17.15-17.30 |
E4.1 |
The history of the Birth cluster of the Sun |
Carmen Martínez-Barbosa (E) |
Leiden University, The Netherlands |
pdf |
12.30-12.45 |
C5.2 |
Orbit of the Ophiuchus Stream |
Branimir Sesar |
MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany |
pdf |
12.00-12.15 |
C6.4 |
Eclipsing binaries in the Gaia era: automated detection performance |
Berry Holl |
UNIGE, Switzerland |
pdf |
12.45-13.00 |
C4.2 |
The open clusters in the Gais ESO Surveys and beyond |
Antonella Vallenari (I) |
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Padova, Italy |
12.1512.45 |
I7.1 |
Space astrometry in the Gaia era |
Anthony Brown (I) |
Leiden University, The Netherlands |
pdf |
12.15-12.30 |
C5.1 |
Constraints on thin and thick disc formation from new analysis of 2MASS and SDSS surveys |
Annie Robin |
UTINAM, Besançon, France |
pdf |
10.45-11.00 |
E5.4 |
Statistical analysis of large scale surveys for constraining the Galaxy evolution |
Andre Martins (E) |
UTINAM, Besançon, France |
pdf |
12.00-12.30 |
I3.3 |
Planet formation with Gaia |
Anders Johansen (I) |
Lund University, Sweden |
pdf |
11.30-12.00 |
I3.2 |
Exoplanets with Gaia: Synergies in the Making |
Alessandro Sozzetti (I) |
INAF-Torino, Italy |
pdf |
12.15-12.30 |
E4.5 |
Detecting the Milky Way Halo Structure and Sub-Structure with OPTICS |
Alejandra Sans (E) |
KU Leuven, Belgium |
pdf |
09.00-09.45 |
QA3 |
Scientific synergies of Gaia with ground based spectroscopic surveys |
Alejandra Recio-Blanco (I) |
Observatoire Cote d'Azur, Nice, France |
pdf |
09.00-09.15 |
C2.3 |
Measuring the Gaia basic angle variations: the BAM on-board laser interferometer |
Alcione Mora |
ESAC, Spain |
pdf |
Tuesday 2 December 2014 |
Thursday 4 December 2014 |