Session |
Title |
29 February |
14:00-15:45 |
Session 1 |
What we will see (Chairman: G. Gilmore) |
Daisuke Kawata |
Welcome (5min) |
Anthony Brown |
Status and data releases (15m+5m) |
Jos de Bruijne |
Detailed astometric performances predictions (15m+5m) |
Celine Reyle |
The Gaia Simulator: scientific contents (15m+5m) |
Xavier Luri |
The Gaia Object Generator (GOG): future scientific exploitation (15m+5m) |
William O'Mulane |
Serving a simulated Gaia Catalogue from ESAC/GAP (15m+5m) |
15:45-16:15 |
Coffee break |
16:15-18:00 |
Session 1(cont.) |
What we will see (Chairman: G. Gilmore) |
Coryn Bailer-Jones |
Astrophysical Parameter accuracy from low resolution spectra (15m+5m) |
Carine Babusiaux |
Related surveys to the Gaia mission (15m+5m) |
Gerry Gilmore |
Wish list for modellers (15m+5m) |
Summary talk and discussion |
G. Gilmore |
1 March |
9:00-12:25 |
Session 2 |
What we need/want to do with Gaia mock catalogue (Chairman: J. Binney) |
9:00-9:25 |
James Binney |
Galaxy Modelling (review talk) |
9:25-10:10 |
Paul McMillan |
Analysing observations using orbital torus models (12m+3m) |
Ralf Schoenrich |
Simple measurements of Galactic rotation (12m+3m) |
Jorge Peñarrubia |
Measuring the Milky Way potential without dynamical models (12m+3m) |
10:10-10:40 |
Coffee break |
10:40-12:05 |
Victor Debattista |
Particle Dynamical Modelling the Milky Way (12m+3m) |
Annie Robin |
Update on the development of the Besançon Galaxy Model and implications for Gaia simulations (12m+3m) |
Douglas Marshall |
From Planck to Gaia - exciting perspectives for the interstellar medium (12m+3m) |
5 minutes short talks: |
Esko Gardner |
The Milky Way, made-to-measure |
Teresa Antoja |
Disk kinematic groups with Gaia |
Octavio Valenzuela |
Milky Way Spiral Arms History |
Oleksiy Golubov |
Asymmetric drift of the thin disc main sequence stars |
S. Pasetto |
Millions stars synthetic CMD generator: a novel technique to exploit Gaia photometric catalogue |
R. Hanson |
Building a 3D extinction model |
B. Rocca-Volmerange |
Synthetic galaxy libraries at low and high spectral resolution for Gaia |
Antonella Vallenari |
Open clusters as disk tracers |
12:05-12:25 |
Summary talk and discussion |
J. Binney |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-15:30 |
Session 3 |
What we need/want to do with Gaia mock catalogue (Chairman: L. Athanassoula) |
13:30-13:55 |
Lia Athanassoula |
The bar/bulge model for the Milky Way (review talk) |
13:55-14:10 |
I. Martínez-Valpuesta |
A bar/bulge model for the Milky Way to be compared with the Gaia Mock Catalogue (12m+3m) |
14:10-14:20 |
5 minutes short talks: |
M. Romero-Gómez |
Kinematics of the Galactic Bar: Gaia capabilities |
Andres Moitinho |
What will the visualization of the Gaia Catalogue be? |
14:20-14:40 |
Summary talk and discussion |
L. Athanassoula |
14:40-15:00 |
Coffee break |
15:00-17:45 |
Session4 |
Mock Catalogue |
Practical work with GUMS ("ideal" error-free catalogue, up to G=20) and GOG (actual catalogue simulation including Gaia-like observations, up to G=17) |
Set up of the local Virtual Machine (VM) in your computer: Daniel Tapiador (30 minutes) |
Step by step: running first examples in your local VM |
Deploying and executing in Amazon: demonstration |
19:30 |
Workshop dinner and optional visit to the MNAC |
2 March |
9:30-10:40 |
Session 5 |
What we need/want to do with Gaia mock catalogue (Chairman: L. Aguilar) |
9:30-9:55 |
Luis Aguilar |
Digging out substructure in the galactic halo with Gaia. What has been done and what needs to be done (review talk) |
9:55-10:40 |
Rok Roskar |
Interpreting Observations with the aid of N-body Simulations (12m+3m) |
Andreea Font |
Reconstructing merger histories from local disc observables. Insights from cosmological simulations (12m+3m) |
Justin Read |
Measuring the local dark matter density: the utility of N-body mock data (12m+3m) |
10:40-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:00 |
Paola Di Matteo |
Signatures of secular processes and accretion events in the Milky Way disk (12m+3m) |
Chiaki Kobayashi |
Chemodynamical simulations and stellar yields (12m+3m) |
Ivan Minchev |
Milky Way chemodynamics in the Gaia era (12m+3m) |
Cristina Chiappini |
Future ground-based spectroscopy surveys: adding value to the Gaia data and constraining theoretical models (12m+3m) |
12:00-12:20 |
Summary talk and discussion |
L. Aguilar |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30-14:30 |
Session6 |
Discussion |
Gaia Archive |
William O'Mullane |
GREAT ITN School |
Annie Robin |
Grand Challenges |
Francesca Figueras, Daisuke Kawata |