WP1 GENIUS Management This package provides the overall administrative management of GENIUS, as described in Sec. 2.1 of the DOW Part A. * WP1 Management Mont...
WP2 Tailoring to the end user community Description Unlocking the full potential of the Gaia catalogue and archive is not straightforward and will require an amb...
WP3 Aspects of archive system design Description The objective of this workpackage is to design, prototype and develop aspects of the archive infrastructure need...
WP5 Tools for Data Validation and Analysis Description The preparation of the Gaia archive before its publication requires a careful, detailed and indepth valida...
WP4 Tools for data exploration Description A use of the Gaia archive based on simple queries (i.e. sky region queries) would only allow a basic use of its potent...
WP6 Support activities Description This work package aims to provide support activities needed for the development of the tasks in the rest of WPs: 1. The provis...
WP7 GENIUS Dissemination This work package includes the development and implementation of the basic infrastructure for the community portal (hardware, content man...
AGENDA Data Mining meeting (ESAC October 27th 2014) * Update on the status of the project (F.Julbe) * Current testbed at CSUC (former CESCA) (F.Julbe) * ...
DM Techniques forum Software re use or software development from scratch Prior to all of the forums below, we have to decide to what extent are we going to re...
GENIUS CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #3 T3 Friday January 2015 Time 12:00 CET (GMT 01:00) Agenda Review of actions from previous telecons Pending actions wer...
GENIUS CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #4 T4 Friday 6 February 2015 Time 12:00 CET (GMT 01:00) Agenda Main point will be the review of the TGAS roadmap. Other...
GENIUS CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #5 T5 Friday 6 March 2015 Time 12:00 CET (GMT 01:00) Agenda and minutes TGAS roadmap document: preparation of final ve...
GENIUS CU9 Coordinated Monthly Telecon #6 T6 Monday 13 April 2015 Time 12:00 CET (GMT 01:00) Agenda and minutes Actions from previous telecon * All WP man...
Privacy policy Data Mining results (classification, regression, preprocessed data, clustering results...), if calculated in the CU9 infrastructure... are they imm...
DM Infrastructure forum Data Mining computations infrastructure * Where will the computations take place? At ESAC? Will there be a (CPU) Time Allocation Commi...
Data Mining WP400 Tasks (to be) enabled by the WP * Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Extraction * Training set definition * Model inference/Training...
Hardware infrastructure CLUSTER On a first stage, four virtual machines were deployed on a private OpenNebula cloud environment, placed on CSUC facilities. That ...
CLUSTER NOTES * Cloudera Upgrade from 5 to 5.4.1 notes May 2015 * Current Spark version is 1.3.1, available at: https://spark.apache.org/. * Instructio...
DESCRIPTION User must be able to execute Data Mining tasks and Machine Learning algorithms in the distributed computing infrastructure that the Gaia archive will ...
TASK DESCRIPTION Goal The goal of this task is to make Gaia Archive data available for the Data Mining framework defining a set of procedures and policies. Tech...
Grand Challenges Currently grand Challenges are being reviewed. * A tool allowing a global comparison of a galaxy model (e.g. the one used for the catalogue va...
Features Basic features Our framework aims to provide a set of basic MlLib tools to perform simple operations. Spark resources and implementations Basic operat...
CLUSTER On a first stage, four virtual machines were deployed on a private OpenNebula cloud environment, placed on CSUC facilities. That configuration allowed to ...
GENIUS Final Review of the External Advisory Board Meeting The GENIUS Final Review Meeting with the External Advisory Board will be held 27 March 2017 via Webex. ...
GENIUS Final Review Meeting The GENIUS Final Review Meeting with the Project Officer and the External Reviewer Advisory Board will be held on 19 April 2017 at the...
GENIUS trimestral plenary teleconference TT1 Thursday 12th March 2015 at 11h (CEST) When it's time, join the meeting from here: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs...
GENIUS trimestral plenary teleconference TT2 Thursday 18th June 2015 at 12h (CEST) When it's time, join the meeting from here: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/...
Gaia Archive Review 1 (CU9 GENIUS) The goal of this review is to present the current and immediate future status of the Gaia Archive from the Science Archives T...
GENIUS Kick Off Meeting, Barcelona 4 5 December 2013 The workshop will be held in Barcelona on 4 5 December 2013. The meeting will be in the Seminar room of the...
MADRID 22 December 2014, MEETINGS MINUTES Madrid, CAB ESAC, December 22nd 2014 Attendants: # Cesc Julbe (UB)# Daniel Tapiador# Luis Sarro (UNED) PREVIOUS MEETI...