Expanding the Gaia Legacy: The Role of Spanish Ground-based Facilities.
A celebration of the research career of Jordi Torra.
Barcelona, 17-19 de febrero de 2020
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Monday, February 17th
Section 1: From DR2 a DR3, the next Gaia release
(modera: Emilio Alfaro) 12:00 - 13:30
Welcome (Carme Jordi)
Gaia: Past, Present and Future
(Claus Fabricius)
DR3 cross-match and the HPM sources
(Ferran Torra)
Gaia mean spectra: representation and calibration
(Josep Manel Carrasco)
Source classification and the physical parameters in DR3
(Minia Manteiga)
Lunch break
Section 2: Solar system and multiple stellar systems
(modera: Anna Ulla) 15:00 - 16:15
Gaia and solar system data
(René Duffard, invited talk)
Ground-based observations of asteroids to support Gaia data exploitation
(Toni Santana-Ros)
Wide Binary and Multiple Systems of Bright Stars from Gaia-DR2 and the VO
(Fran Jiménez-Esteban)
Coffee break
Section 3: Exoplanets and late type stars
(modera: Ignasi Ribas) 16:45 - 18:15
Exoplanets detection
(Guillem Anglada-Escudé, invited talk)
Photometric observations of exoplanet candidates from Montsec
(Enrique Herrero, invited talk)
!StePar / SteParSyn: two automatic codes to infer stellar atmospheric parameters
(Hugo Tabernero)
Stellar atmospheric parameters of FGKM-type stars from high-resolution optical and near-infrared CARMENESspectra
(Emilio Marfil)
Characterization of binary central stars of planetary nebulae detected by GALEX
(M.A. Gómez-Muñoz)
Tuesday, February 18th
Section 4: Stellar Physics I: The late type population
(modera: Francesca Figueras) 9:00 - 10:30
The white dwarf population in the Gaia DR2 era
(Santiago Torres, invited talk)
Implications of CAHA in Gaia
(Jesús Aceituno, invited talk)
Propiedades de las estrellas centrales de nebulosas planetarias con distancias en Gaia DR2
(Iker González-Santamaría)
Synergies between OAJ's surveys, J-PAS & J-PLUS, and Gaia
(Héctor Vázquez Ramió)
Coffee break
Section 5: Synergies between Gaia, ESO and the large ESFRI projects
(modera: Fernando Comerón) 11:00 - 12:15
CTA and its synergies with Gaia
(Marc Ribó)
Synergies between Gaia data, ground observations, and Machine learning algorithms
(Héctor Cánovas)
The use and potential of ESO facilities in connection with Gaia
(Bruno Leibundgut)
Section 6: Acto de homenaje a Jordi Torra
12:20 14:30 Homenaje a Jordi Torra
Jordi como Profesor e Investigador de la UB, Domènec Espriu, VR investigación de la UB
Jordi como científico, Ferran Comerón (ESO)
La astronomía Galáctica, de Hipparcos a Gaia, Xavier Luri (ICCUB-IEEC)
La ley de Contaminación Lumínica y el COU, Salvador Ribas (COU)
Su participación en IEEC y el telescopio Joan Oró, Ignasi Ribas (ICE-IEEC)
Presentación informe RIA "Astronomia. Estudio de Prospectiva", Vicent Martínez (RIA)
Enlace al video del acto de homenaje:
Lunch break
Section 7: Galactic Archaeology I: disc, inner (bar, bulge) and outer disc
(modera: Sergio Simón-Díaz) 15:00 16:30
Gaia and the GTC. EMIR & MIRADAS in the Gaia era: status and prospects
(Francisco Garzón, invited talk)
The Nearest Massive Star Forming Region with Gaia and WEAVE: an exploration of Cygnus X
(Artemio Herrero)
Ejected thermonuclear-supernova survivors in Gaia
(Roberto Raddi)
Galactic Archeology with Gaia and APOGEE
(Friedrich Anders)
Characterising the Galactic warp with Gaia. Different approaches
(Mercè Romero-Gómez)
Coffee break
Section 8: New challenges: VO, data mining and archives
(modera: Fran Jiménez-Esteban) 17:00 - 18:30
The Virtual Observatory. A way to facilitate the synergies between Gaia and the ground-based facilities
(Enrique Solano, invited talk)
Widening Big data mining for astronomy
(Roger Mor, invited talk)
GUASOM flavour DR3 (Marco Antonio Álvarez González)
Machine learning and Gaia DR2, on the hunt for open clusters
(Alfred Castro)
Photometric calibration of multi-filter surveys: J-PLUS and J-PAS synergies with Gaia
(Carlos López-Sanjuan)
Wednesday, February 19th
Section 9: Next decade photometric, spectroscopic and dating techniques surveys
(modera: Jesús Maíz Apellániz) 9:00 - 10:35
WEAVE and Gaia, the 6D phase space
(Maria Monguió, invited talk)
Science with 4MOST (Cristina Chiappini, Invited talk)
The Gaia-LSST synergy: resolved stellar populations in selected Local Group stellar systems
(Gisella Clementini)
CHRONOS: towards a homogeneous age scale
(David Barrado-Navascués)
Coffee break
Section 10: Stellar Physics II: the young population
(modera: Amparo Marco) 11:00 - 12:20
Synergies between Gaia and GALANTE
(Jesús Maíz Apellániz)
Young clusters in the Gaia era: laboratories for massive star evolution
(Ignacio Negueruela)
Galactic massive stars as seen by IACOB, Gaia and TESS
(Sergio Simón Díaz)
A high spectroscopic resolution study of massive supergiant stars in Per OB1
(Abel de Burgos)
Section 11: Galactic Archeology II: halo, low metallicity population and dwarf satellites
(modera: Teresa Antoja) 12:30 - 14:00
Stellar streams and other stellar substructures in the Milky Way with Gaia and JPLUS (David Martínez-Delgado, invited talk)
Extremely iron-poor stars and the Early Galaxy in the context of Gaia
(Jonay González-Hernández)
Swimming on a stellar stream: re-discovering the Sagittarius tails with Gaia
(Pau Ramos)
Concluding remarks (Francesca Figueras)
This topic: RecGaia
Topic revision:
24 Feb 2020,
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